Investigation of Equine Lameness Flashcards
What is the appropriate approach to the lame horse?
- History
- Observation from a distance
- Symmetry
- Posture
- Conformation - Palpation
- Inc hoof testers - Gait observation
- Selected examination steps
- Manipulation
- Flexion tests - Diagnostic analgesia
- Diagnostic imaging
- Treatment
What things should you ask in an equine lameness investigation?
History of trauma, duration of lameness, progession, effects of exercise, managment changes (shoeing, training, stable/turnout, housing, health diet, medications)
What is the purpose of a conformation assessment in terms of equine lameness?
determines shape, wear, flight of foot and weight distribution
faulty conformation is not an unsoundness, just a warning sign
What is meant by ‘referred lameness’?
When HL lameness is confused for FL lameness
Looks like ipsilateral FL lameness
When lame leg is WB the head is down (making it seem that the other limb is lame)
Associated with HL lameness grade 6+
Which local anaesthetics are used for diagnostic analgesia in equine lameness?
Mepivicaine or Lidocaine
- Fast acting (mins)
- Lasts 1.5-3 hrs
- M is less irritant
What are the side effects of equine diagnostic analgesia and how are they dealt with?
ST swelling
- apply stable bandage overnight if several blocks have been performed
Haematoma (bruising)
- apply pressure immediately post-injection
Infection (rare)
Systemic side effects (rare)
List the nerve blocks of the forelimb.
- Palmar digital
- Abaxial sesamoid
- Low 4-point
- High 4-point
- Subcarpal
- Median & ulnar
List the nerve blocks of the hindlimb.
- Palmar digital
- Abaxial sesamoid
- Low 6-point
- High 6-point
- Deep branch
- Tibial & peroneal
Describe a palmar digital block
Blocks distal 2/3rds of the foot
Use a 25 gauge 5/8” needle
Inject 2ml Mepivicaine into the lateral and medial palmar digital nerve bundles @ the level of the distal pastern
Describe an abaxial sesamoid nerve block.
Block everything below the fetlock
Use 25 gauge 5/8” needle
Inject 2ml Mepivicaine @ into the lateral and medial palmar digital nerve at the level of the distal border of the proximal sesamoid bones
Describe a low 4-point nerve block.
- Palmar metacarpal/tarsal nerve [M+L branches]
- 25 gauge 5/8” needle
- 2ml Mepivicaine at each site
- inj @ the distal aspect of the 2nd & 4th metacarpal/tarsal bones - Palmar nerve [M + L branches]
- 25 gauge 5/8” needle
- 2ml Mepivicaine at each site
- inj dorsal surface of DDFT [between DDFT and SL, hands breadth above fetlock]
- insert needle perpendicular to limb
Describe a high 4-point nerve block of the forelimb…
- Use 2-3ml Mepivicaine at each site
- 25 gauge 5/8” needle
- inj @ level just distal to carpus
- desensitizes 2nd + 4th metacarpal bones, interosseous ligament, proximal suspensory ligament & accessory ligament of the DDFT
- Palmar metacarpal nerve [M+L branches]
- inj @ b/w 2nd & 3rd metacarpal bones and 3rd & 4th metacarpal bones on the caudal aspect - Palmar nerve [M + L branches]
- inj dorsal surface of DDFT [between DDFT and SL]
- insert needle perpendicular to limb
Describe a subcarpal nerve block.
- 23 gauge 1” needle
- inject 3ml of LA on inside of leg @ the level of the accessory carpal bone
- desensitizes the origin of the suspensory ligament & proximal 2nd + 4th metacarpal bones
Describe a median & ulnar nerve block.
Using a 20 gauge 2-2.5” needle inj 10-20mls LA at the caudomedial aspect of the radius just below the elbow joint where the ventral edge of the tranverse pectoral muscle inserts on the radius
Using a 20 gauge 1” needle inj 10mls of LA 10cm proximal to the accessory carpal bone in the groove b/w the ulnaris lateralis & the t ulnaris muscles
Describe a deep branch nerve block.
Also known as a suspensory block
Block deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve
Using a 21 gauge 1.5” needle inj 5ml of Intraepicaine 1.5cm below head of splint bone at the back of the cannon bone on the lateral aspect