Invertebrates Flashcards
2% insects, 90% biomass, females give up reproduction and workers have shorter lives
Probably developed from wasps when angiosperms, feed young with pollen where wasps feed w animal protein, branched hairs to carry pollen, grooming behaviour
Bee cleptoparasites
Lost pollen carrying areas, kill young to lay their own
Buzz pollination
Shaking of wings or head, for Solenaceae like tomatos
Short tongued bees
Colletidae, Stenotritidae, Halictidae, dominant in Aus bc Myrtaceae, one with long tongue but is mop like
Long tongues bees
Apidae and Megachilidae, straw like tongues
Persoonia Flowers
Fed on by short tongues beed, one with a battering ram head to push open petals, one with elongated head hairs put between petals
Suborder Ensifera
Crickets, long fine antennae
Suborder Caelifera
Gradual transition
Distinct phases
Family Morabidae
Matchstick grassshoppers, back of head has indentation, wingless
Warramaba virgo
Parthenogenic, but found to be hybrid, with 4 sexual genera found
Family Tetrigidae
Primitive, water associated grasshoppers
Family Pyrgomorphidae
Large, colourful grasshoppers, with fastigium (head top) groove