Amphibians Flashcards
Rhinella marina
Cane toad
Keelback Snake
Recent arrival with toad specialising ancestors, can eat cane toads
Evolution of snake traits
Prey preferance, jaw morphology, toxin resistance
Order Urodela
Salamanders and newts, wild population of smooth newts
Order Gymnophiona
Legless caecilians, not in Australia
Order Anura
Frogs, naturally occuring in Australia
Family Myobatrachidae
Southern frogs, gondwanan, many burrowers with metatarsal tubercles on back of foot, inc coroboree frog
Family Limnodynastidae
Recent split from myobatrachid frogs, gondwanan usually swampland breeders, eg spotted marsh frog, banjo frog
Family Hylidae
Gondwanan, tree frogs, toe pads
Genus Litoria
Tree frog genus
Genus Cyclorana
Tree frog genus, burrowers with water tight mucus seal
Family Microhylidae
Newer, narrow mouthed frogs, direct development with terrestrial nests
Family Ranidae
True frogs, newer, one species, paired focal sacks, distinct dorsolateral folds
Beautiful Nursery Frog
Thorntons peak, climate change brings range up