Invertebrates Flashcards
Purpose of surface area
Membrane transport, gas exchange, heat exchange and nutrient exchange
Surface Area vs Volume
As an animal gets larger, its surface area gets relatively smaller.
Multicellular animals
Have multiple cell types that need each other.
Multicellular organisms
Have division of labour
Sessile vs Motile
Sessile animals don’t move, motile animals move around.
Major grouping of animals that share a body plan.
Phylum Porifera - Sponges
Oceans, attached to firm surfaces.
Cavity inside the sponge
Large opening into the cavity at the top of the sponge
The four types of cells in sponges
Epidermal cells (outside), choanocytes (unicellular), porocytes (purpose is to be a hole), ameobocytes (can move within cells)
Move around outside the sponge, give skeleton support, defence. They are made up of silica, calcium carbonate or spongin.
Amoebocytes and defence
Have a spiky texture and hope with digestion, transport waste, reproduction and transport oxygen.
Sponges as hermaphrodites
Amoebocytes turn into gg cells and sperm cells from amoebocytes or choanocytes. This finds a way into another sponge. Choanocyte engulf it, passes it to an amoebocyte and then carries the egg cell in mesophyll.
Unicellular, have a tail (flagellum) to move water. They can communicate with amoebocytes.
Why are sponges folded
To increase surface area, more choanocyte, more water movement, more oxygen and food.
Some sponges house photosynthetic organisms. These use nitrogenous waste products from sponge and supply it with nutrients leading to bright colours.
Phylum of Cnidaria
Jellyfish, corals, hydra, bluebottles and anemones. Cnidarians are diploblastic.
Medusae cnidaria
Means motile
Dimorphic cnidaria
Polyp (sedentary) or medusa (Motile)
Two cell layers; outside is epidermis and gut lining is endoderm.
Cnidarian cells
Epithelio muscular cells, sensory and nerve cells, interstitial cells, cnidocytes.
Stinger cells, have a trigger, barb, capsule, nematocyst and cell contents.
Cnidocyte triggering process
Trigger activation changes capsule permeability, rapid inflow of water, capsule expands and Burts. The nematocyst shoots out with a poison tube. The barbs bore into the target and toxins are injected.
How to remove nematocysts
Sea water remove sun triggered cnidocutes, vinegar inactivates the untriggered cnidocytes.
Inside surface and is made up of nutritive muscular cells.
Cnidarian movement
Muscle shortening and lengthening. There is a fixed volume of liquid in a closed container, muscle push against it and therefore change shape.
Cnidarian feeding
Tentacles catch food, undigested food is released through mouth.
Cnidarian reproduction
Asexual or sexual.
Statocyst cell
Gravity detection cell.
Medusa reproduction
Ephyra -> Medusa -> Sexual reproduction by broadcasting zygotes into the water -> Planula lavae-> Polyp -> Forms strobila -> Asexual reproduction by the floating strobila.
Cnidarian classes
Hydrozoa - Hydra and polyp
Cubpza - Have eyes
Anthozoa - Corals
No medusa stages sexual reproduction, have zooxanthellae.
Coral bleaching
Occurs when warming impede algal function.
Tripoblastic cell layers
Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Mesoderm is in between the ectoderm and endoderm.
Elimination vs Expulsion
Expulsion of undigested food waste (faeces), expulsion of metabolic waste products (water and electrolytes).
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Have heads, tripoblastic, no circulatory or respiratory system. Oxygen is absorbed through the skin however the skin must be wet.
Class Turbellaria
Free living, terrestrial or fresh water, flatworms, mostly carnivores.
Flatworm systems
Movement with ventral cilia, reproduction are hermaphroditic.
Totipotent Cells
Is the inside surface
Nutritive muscular cells
Cells with elongated tanks with contractile fibres
Gland cells
Secrete digestive enzymes
Interstitial cells
Same as the outer surface
Nerve cells
Similar to outer surface
Feeding for cnidarians
Tentacles catch for and stuff it into mouth. Undigested food is released through the mouth.
Reproduction in cnidarians
Asexual is called budding, sexual is dioecious.
Medusas and gravity detection
They have a statocyst cell. The statolith Cana effect sensory neurone by rolling around in the cell.
Sexual reproduction
Ephyra > Medusa -> Sexual reproduction with zygotes in the water -> Planula lava -> Polyp -> Forms strobila -> Asexual reproduction
Cnidarian classes
Hydrozoa, cubozoa, anthozoa
Trematoda and Cestoda
Hosts of Trematoda and Cestoda
Juveniles develop in the intermediate host, adults are in the definitive host
Trematode Genus Schistosoma
About 20 species affecting mammals, causes schistosomiasis.
Lives in blood vessels, causes enlarged liver and fluid accumulated.
Life cycle of schistosome
Adult in veins around intestine, get into hosts eggs released in faeces, eggs hatch miracidium infects snail, asexual reproduction and escapes in water.
Have 2 hosts, produce large amount of eggs, hermaphroditic.
Cestoda anatomy
Head = Proglottids, tail is old egg filled.
Taenia solium
Pig human tapeworm, intermediate host is a pig where cysts form in muscle tissue. Can live in human gut and passed through access. If humans eat faeces with eggs, the human can become the intermediate host.
Echinococcus granulises
Can cause cysts in humans
The development of the embryo follow fertiziliation.
Protosomes development
The blastopore becomes the mouth .
Deuterostomes development
The blastopore becomes the anus
Body cavity
Fluid filled space in mesoderm and the fluid cushions the organs.
Body cavity in triploblastic animals
Pseudocoelom and coelom
Between gastroderm and mesoderm
Within mesoderm
Phylum - Mollusca
Huge diversity, triploblastic and 95% marine.
Shell of Mollusca
External, internal and made up of CaCo3.
Function of shell mollusca
Protection, burrowing, exoskeleton and buoyancy.
Formation of Mollusca shell
Produced by mantles and grows at aperture (growth rings)
Odonotphore is the solid support for the teeth, they are replaced from the rear.
Mouth of mollusca
Jaw cuts up piece, radula grates up and used in grazing etc.
Mantle cavity
Responsible for respiratory pore, gills/lungs, heart, kidney and anus