Inventions & space Flashcards
James Watt invented…
Condenser to allow steam engines to use less fuel
Richard Trevithick invented…
High pressure steam engines, smaller and more powerful. First steam locomotive with wheels, and later locomotive ‘catch-me-who-can’
Henry Bessemer invented..
Converter, to produce large quantities of steel cheaply
Industry in Northampton
Industry in Derby
Industry in Nottingham
Richard Roberts invented…
Precision machine tools, e.g. lathes
Joseph Whitworth invented..
Way of measuring accurate to one millionth of an inch, and standard pattern for making screws
James Nasmyth invented…
Steam hammer
Soda was used for…
Washing textiles, making glass and paper
Nationwide timezone was created to…
…enable railways to have regular timetables for people travelling long distances
George Stephenson invented…
First steam train in 1825. With son Robert, won 1829 locomotive competition (Rainhill Trials) with Rocket, and opened railway line Liverpool to Manchester in 1830
Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed…
Steam ships (Great Western, Great Britain), bridges, railways
George Jennings invented…
Flushing toilet
Joseph Swan invented…
The lightbulb in 1878 (Warren de la Rue had demonstrated principles 49 years earlier). Thomas Edison’s design came later but was improved.
Claude Chappe invented…
Telegraph in 1790
Samuel Morse invented..
Electric telegraph, using morse code (most successful system of several developed wound that time)
Louis Daguerre invented…
Photography in 1839
William Dickson invented…
Kinetoscope, 20sec movie, with Yhomas Edison based on work by Eadweard Muybridge
Emile Berliner invented…
Way to record sound on flat discs
Henry Maxim invented..
Machine gun
Guglielmo Marconi invented..
Radio in 1894
Wheel was invented…
3500BC in mesopotsmia. Spoked wheel invented 2000BC in egypt
Astrolabe used to…
Measure latitude
Modern sail called…
Bermuda sail
Modern sail called…
Bermuda sail
Modern sail called…
Bermuda sail
Modern sail called…
Bermuda sail
Thomas Newcomen invented…
Atmospheric engine (first practical fuel burning engine)
SS Sirius
Foets ship to cross Atlantic under continuous steam power
Nigel Gresley built..
Flying Scotsman, first train over 100mph, and Mallard, fastest steam train of record
Montgolfier brothers invented…
Hot air balloon
Otto Lilienthal…
Made world’s first controlled flight on hang glider
Statoscope measures…
Altitude, by measuring atmospheric pressure
Etienne Lenoir invented..
Internal combustion engine 1860
Nikolaus Otto and Gottleib Daimler invented…
Four stroke internal combustion engine running on petrol, basis of modern engines
Daimler co-invented first motorbike
Orvil and Wilbur Wright invented…
First petrol-powered flying machine, Flyer-1 in 1903. Original bicycle makers.
Seguin brothers improved design and built rotary engine
Karl Benz invented…
First practical motor car
Hindenburg was the…
Largest flying machine very built. Zeppelin, caught fire in sky in 1937.
Charles Lindbergh…
Flew solo across Atlantic in 1927
Amy Johnson…
Flew England to Australia in 1930
Hans von Ohain and (separately) Frank Whittle invented…
Jet engine
Robert Goddard invented..
First liquid fuel rocket
Blue flame was..
Rocket powered car that set land speed record
Eagle was…
Lunar module in apollo 11, landed on sea of tranquility with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (Michael Collins remained in command module)
Werner von Braun invented..
V2 rocket, and later Juni rocket used ti launch early US satellites
Aerobee was…
Step rocket (2 stage rockets) used to study upper atnosphere
First man in space
Yuri Gagarin, 1961
First woman in space
Valentina Tereshkova, 1963
First spacewalk
Alexei Leonov, 1965. American Ed White 3 months later
NASA missions to send humans to space called…
Project Mercury
First US astronaut
Alan Shepard
First US man to orbit earth
John Glenn in Friendship 7
First probe on moon
Luna 2 (USSR) 1959
NASA programme to prepare for moon landing
Apollo 11 rocket to moon
Saturn V
Probes to Mars
Probes to Mercury
Mariner 10
BepiColombo, named after Giuseppe Colombo who invented gravitational slingshot
Only planets to spin anticlockwise
Venus and Uranus
Probes to Venus
Mariner 2
Venus Express
New Horizons probe explored…
Pluto and Ultima Thule
Probes into deep space
Probes to Jupiter
Pioneer (on way to Saturn) Voyager (on way to deep space) Ulysses (sun-probe) Cassini (on way to Saturn) New Horizons (on way to deep space)
Galileo (first probe to orbit planet)
Juno (travelled over poles)
Space stations
Salyut 1971 - astronauts died
Skylab 1973 - reentered over outback 1979
Mir 1986-9 - first to be assembled in space
Space shuttle disasters
Challenger 1986
Colombia 2003
What is Oort cloud
Cloud of comets orbiting Sun, 1000 times distance of pluto
Unit of distance to stars in astronomy
What do capacitors do
Store energy that can be released very quickly (unlike batteries)
Mercury - position, size, atmosphere, day, temp, moons
Slightly larger than moon
Nearest to Sun
Day is about 59 earth days
Temps between -180 and 430 degrees
May have icy water in areas of permanent shadow in deep craters at poles
No atmosphere- thin exosphere of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium and potassium
Venus - position, size, atmosphere, day, temp, moons
Second planet from Sun
Hottest planet
Thick carbon dioxide atmosphere with closes of sulfuric acid
Air pressure on surface 90 times that of earth
Rotates in opposite direction to earth
Day is 243 earth days - longer than year
Mars - position, size, atmosphere, day, temp, moons
Half size of earth
Similar day to earth
2 moons - phobos and deimos (named for horses pulling Aries chariot)
Has largest volcano in solar system- Olympus Mons
Thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon
Jupiter - position, size, atmosphere, day, temp, moons
Twice as big as all other planets combined
Hydrogen and helium atmosphere with clouds of ammonia and water
10 hour day
More than 75 moons
Great red spot is storm twice the size of worth, over 100 years old
Saturn - position, size, atmosphere, day, temp, moons
Atmosphere hydrogen and helium
At least 53 moons including Enceladus (jets of water), Titan (methane lakes), Phoebe (cratered)
11 hour day
Average density less than water
Uranus - position, size, atmosphere, day, temp, moon
Discovered by William Herschem 1781, observations by Johann Elert Bode who named it.
Ice giant
13 rings, 27 moons names for Shakespeare and Alexander pope characters
Rotates on its side
Core is dense fluid of water, methane, ammonia
Atmosphere is hydrogen and helium with small amount methane (gives blue colour)