Introduction: Units, Energy and Data Sources Flashcards
Equation for energy and power?
Unit for energy?
Unit for power?
Watts, J/s
TOE stands for?
Tonne of Oil Equivalent
1 TOE is how many Joules?
41.868 MJ
TCE stands for?
Tonne of Coal Equvivalent
1 TCE is how many Joules?
28 GJ
kWh is how many joules?
3.6 MJ
Energy required by the World in one year
11.000 Million toe
Energy required by the UK in one year?
150 Million toe
Energy used to boil a kettle
0.8 MJ
Energy used per year in the UK per person
2.5 toe or 1GJ
Typical UK Electrical Power requirements high and low?
42 GW - 28 GW
Power used in a PC?
100 W
Power used in a kettle?
3 kW
Power used by a washing machine?
1.8 kW
Power used by family saloon car?
85 kW
Power by Coal fired power station?
Power by Nuclear power station?
1200 MW
Power by Wind Turbine?
3 MW
Power by Hydro Electric Power Plant?
440 MW