Introduction to Urology (Rolph) Flashcards
Name some (or all) the functions of the kidneys.
- Excretes waste
- Retrieves filtered particles
- Maintains acid/base balance
- Regulates BP
- Monitors/modifies oxygenation (erythropoietin production)
What 3 activities regulate fluid-electrolyte balance and where are they carried out?
Carried out by the nephron
- Glomerular filtration
- Tubular secretion
- Tubular reabsoprtion
What percent of cardiac output do the kidneys recieve?
What does the high, constant renal blood flow allow for?
- High = metabolic requirements and to maintain GFR
- Constant = Excretion and homeostasis
What percentage of oxygen do the kidneys consume?
What are some conditions associated with decreased renal blood flow?
- Volume depletion
- Heart failure (abnormal circulation)
- Hypotension (long-term kidney effects)
What condition is associated with increased renal blood flow?
What is the kidney’s role in controlling blood pressure?
Insert image, page 8
Where is antidiuretic hormone released from and what does it cause?
Released from posterior pituitary
- Drop in blood pressure
- Decreased blood volume
- Beta-adrengergic stimulation
What are the ADH receptors and their effects?
- V1 receptors → promotes vasoconstriction
- V2 receptors → increased H2O reabsorption
Name the components of the nephron and label them.
Insert image, page 10
Where is angiotensin II (ang II) generated and what does it interact with?
- Produced in afferent arteriole
- Interacts w/ AT1 receptors on cellular components of nephron
Define renal disease.
Presence of morphological or functional lesions in one or both kidneys, regardless of extent
- Renal disease ≠ azotemia
- Renal disease ≠ renal failure
Define azotemia.
Abnormal increased in the blood concentration of non-protein nitrogenous wastes (NPN, i.e. urea and creatinine)
What are the types and causes of azotemia?
- Pre-renal (perfusion): volume depletion, hypotension
- Renal: Parenchymal disease, infection, cysts, infalmmation, neoplasia, toxin
- Post-renal: obstruction or rupture of lower urinary tract
What is renal failure?
Clinical syndrome that occurs when kidneys are no longer able to maintain:
- Regulatory function
- Excretory function
- Endocrine function
What biochemical changes can occur with renal failure?
- Retention of nitrogenous solutes
- Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base derangements
When does renal failure occur relating to nephron population?
Renal failure occurs when > 75% of the nephron population is non-functional
The function of what is used to assess renal function?
Glomerular function
The glomerular filtration rate is (directly/indirectly) related to renal functional mass.
What are the accurate technqiues to assess renal function?
- Clearance of radioisotopes w/ renal scintigraphy (best, most accurate)
- Iohexal/inulin/creatinine clearance tests
What are the indirect methods for assessing renal function?
- Serum urea levels
- Sreum creatinine levels
- Cystatin C
- SDMA (Symmetrical dimethylarginine)
What are some characteristics of urea (synthesis, excretion, concentration)?
- Synthesized in the liver
- Excreted by the kidneys
- Urea concentration in renal medulla helps maintain solute gradient
What are urea serum levels affected by?
- Species/age
- Liver function
- Dietary protein content
- Endogenous protein catabolism
- Renal function
What are the limitations of urea?
Subject to passive reabsoprtion in tubules
- Exacerbated by slower tubular flow rates → volume depletion
- Urea clearance not relaible estimate of GFR
What can lead to false positives in urea?
- GIT bleeding
- Intravascular hemolysis
- High protein diets
What is creatinine and its characteristics?
Biproduct of conversion of creatine to creatine phosphate
- Producted at a constant rate
- Dependant on muscle mass (grayhounds vs. puppies)
- Influenced less by diet
How is creatinine excreted?
Unchanged by the kidneys
How are serum creatinine concentrations affected?
- Increased: reduced renal clearance
- Decreased: reduced muscle mass, significantly in elderly or pateitns w/ cachexia
What are the limitations of creatinine testing?
- Does not tell you why the GFR has decreased
- Doesn’t discriminate between:
- Causes of azotemia
- Acute vs. chronic renal failure
- Reversible or irreversible renal failure
Severity of clinical signs of azotemia are (directly/indirectly/not directly) proportional to magnitude of creatinine increase.
Not directly
What is cystatin-C and its characteristics?
Small polypeptide protease inhibitor produced by all cells with a nucleus
- Freely filtered by glomeruli
- Doesn’t undergo tubular secretion
- Produced at constant rate in all tissues
- Excretion not dependent on age, sex, diet, or muscle mass (debated)
What is the accuracy of cystatin-C versus creatinine and what may be detected early?
Possibly more accurate than creatinine
- May detect early changes in GFR
What is cystatin-C potentiall affected by?
- Neoplasia
- Levels of C-Reactive Protein
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Glucocorticoid administration
What is SDMA and its characteristics?
Methylated form of amino acid arginine (produced in every cell and released into body’s circulation during protein degradation)
- Excreted almost exclusively by kidneys
- Correlates highly w/ GFR by inulin (r = 0.85)
How accurate is SDMA testing compared to creatinine?
- 17 months earlier in cats
- 9 months earlier in dogs
when there’s 40% decline in GFR
- useful in cases w/ normal creatinine
What can alter SDMA levels?
Emergeing evidence suggests diseases like hyperthyroidism alter SDMA levels
When collecting urine for an urinalysis, what are the options?
- Free flow
- Catheterization
- Cystocentesis
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each urine collection method?
- Free flow
- Contamination potential
- Non-invasive (used to r/o infection/check for glycosuria)
- Catheterization
- Contamination potential
- Difficult in female dogs, all cats
- Cystocentsis
- Best method for culture
- Blind vs. ultrasound guided
- Can lead to slight increase in RBC urine content
How is a cystocentesis performed?
- Ultrasound-guided or blind
- Positioning: lateral, dorsal, standing (cats) or “turned sheep” (dogs)
- Locate and stabilize bladder (DON’T SQUEEZE)
- Wet the site w/ alcohol
- Stabilize bladder w/ 1 hand
- Hold syringe so you can aspirate w/o changing position
- Confidently insert needle into bladder at 45 degree angle
- Slowly aspirate until you have adequate volume of urine
- If you don’t get urine, completely remove needle from abdomen
- Once sample is obtained, release hand stabilizing bladder, THEN remove needle from abdomen
What are the main things to assess with a urinalysis and what’s used?
- Color/clarity
- Concentration
- Dipstick
- Sediment
- Culture and sensitivity
- Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio
How is the concentration assessed in a urinalysis?
- Osmolality
- Estimated by USG
- Hand-held vs. digital
- Hyperosmolar substances alter USG
What is the “normal” range of urine concentration in dogs and cats?
- Dogs: 1.030-1.065
- Cats: 1.035-1.090
Why is the “normal” urine concentration range of cats problematic?
Upper limit is too high for most in-house refractometers to detect