Chronic Kidney Disease (Rolph) Flashcards
What is chronic kidney disease and who does it affect?
Common cause of illness and mortality in feline patients
- Approx. 10% of cats older than 10 years
- 30% of cats older than 15 years
- Less common in dogs but stil affects 0.5-1.5% of dogs
How is chronic kidney diseases diagnosed?
Based on anything that suggests kidney failure has been present for an extended time (typically more than 2 mos.)
- History
- Physical exam
- Lab findings
What are the clinical signs of chronic kidney disease?
- PU/PD (most common sign)
- Anorexia
- Hypersalivation (due to oral ulceration, tongue tip necrosis)
- Constipation (2o to chronic dehydration, vomiting)
What might the vomiting or chronic dehydration cause other than constipation?
- Uremic gastritis
- Poor body condition
- Poor hair coat
- Small kidneys
What’s seen on clinical examination with chronic kidney disease?
- Dehydrated
- Poor body condition/underweight
- Pale mucus membranes
- Small kidneys
- Hypertensive retinopathies
- (Loose teeth, deformed maxilla/mandible/fractures)
What are the consequences of renal dysfunction?
- Failure of excretion of nitrogenous wastes → uremia → ulceration (oral and Gi) and shortened RBC lifespan
- Failure or urine concentration → PU/PD → predisposes to UTIs and volume depletion → constipation
- Failure to syntheized calcitriol (VitD3) → renal 2o hyperparathyroidism → decreased bone density
- Failure to synthesize erythropoeitin → anemia
- Failure to catabolize peptide hormones (e.g. gastrin) → uremic gastritis
- Activation of RAAS → systemic hypertension
What should be looked at on bloodwork assessing chronic kidney disease?
- Urea
- Creatinine
- I-phosphate
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Albumin
- SDMA in early cases and possible if concerns reclassification
What’s assessed with urine analysis in chronic kidney disease?
- Specific gravity
- Dipstick
- Sediment examination
- Protein:creatinine ratio
- Culture and sensitivity
What further diagnostics should be done with chronic kidney disease?
- Blood pressure measurement
- Retinal examination
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Blood gas (pH)
What’s the etiology of chronic kidney disease?
In most cases, cause of CKF not identified
What does histopathology demonstrate with chronic kidney disease?
Chronic interstitial nephritis
What is chronic interstitial nephritis and what’s it seen in?
- Idiopathic intrinsic degenerative disease
- Occurs mainly in older animals
What is chronic interstital nephritis thought to be the result of?
- Previous toxic insults
- Immune-mediated processes
- Result of chronic inflammatory disease
What diseases can occur as a result of na identificable ause regarding chronic kidney disease?
- Congenital deformities (i.e. renal dysplasia, PKD)
- Infarctions
- Infiltration w/ neoplastic cells (i.e. lymphoma)
- Obstructive disease (‘Big kidney, little kidney’)
- Infections (i.e. leptospirosis, pyelonephritis)
- Secondary to hypercalcemia
What are the IRIS stages of chronic kidney disease and their respective blood creatinine levels for dogs and cats?
- At risk
- Dogs: < 125 µmol/L or < 1.4 mg/dl
- Cats: < 140 µmol/L < 1.6 mg/dl
- 1
- Dogs: < 125 µmol/L or < 1.4 mg/dl
- Cats: < 140 µmol/L or < 1.6 mg/dl
- 2
- Dogs: 125-180 µmol/L or 1.4-2.0 mg/dl
- Cats: 140-250 µmol/L or 1.6-2.8 mg/dl
- 3
- Dogs: 181-440 µmol/L or 2.1-5.0 mg/dl
- Cats: 251-440 µmol/L or 2.9-5.0 mg/dl
- 4
- Dogs: > 440 µmol/L or > 5.0 mg/dl
- Cats: > 440 µmol/L or > 5.0 mg/dl