- sometimes called biological chemistry
- study of the components and composition of living things and how they come together to become life.
- It is the study of chemical processes that give rise to the complexity of life
- It is also related to molecular biology that concerns genetic information encoded in DNA as well as understanding the structures, functions, and interactions of biological macromolecules
defined as a branch of science exploring the chemical processes within and related to living organisms
As a laboratory science, it biochemistry brings together biology and chemistry that uses chemical knowledge and techniques to understand and solve biological problems.
- focuses on processes happening at a molecular level to understand how the structure of a molecule relates to its function and to predict how molecules will interact.
- It focuses on what is happening inside the cells, studying components like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and organelles.
- It also looks at how cells communicate with each other especially during growth or fighting illness.
complex interrelated chemical changes within the cell
the processes of growth, reproduction, and heredity are intimately related to
intermediary metabolism
- includes the study of the chemical substances and processes that occurs in plants, animals, and microorganisms as well as the changes they undergo during development and life.
- It deals with a chemistry of life where it draws on the techniques of analytic, organic, physical chemistry as well as physiology concerning the molecular basis of vital processes.
describes all these chemical changes within the organisms, the degradation, building up of complex molecules, and gaining energy necessary for life processes.
are organic catalysts that act on these chemical changes wherein their existence depends on the genetic apparatus of the cell.
involves a study of the molecules that make up all living things which are inherently interesting and help us better understand how organisms operate and therefore covers wide application
can help us figure out how microorganisms operate and figure out ways to kill them. It also allows us to understand the different effects that medication would have on our body so that the harmful effects of drugs can be known mitigated
biochemistry In medicine
can help you to develop pesticides that kill weeds and insects without causing excessive damage to the crops.
biochemistry in agriculture
Biochemistry makes significant contributions to the fields of cell biology, physiology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, and toxicology, as well as the fields of inflammation, cell injury, and cancer.
Biomedical Importance of biochemistry
the most abundant molecule in cells, accounting for 70% or more of total cell mass.
a polar molecule with the hydrogen atoms having a slight positive charge and the oxygen with a slight negative charge.
This polarity enables water molecules to form hydrogen bonds with each other or with other polar molecules, as well as interacting with positively or negatively charged ions. As a result of these interactions, ions and polar molecules are _________ in water or __________
readily soluble, hydrophilic
- cannot interact with water, are poorly soluble in an aqueous environment (hydrophobic).
- tend to minimize their contact with water by associating closely with each other instead.
nonpolar molecules
roles in living organisms of water
solvent, temperature buffer, metabolite, and living environment
It acts as a solvent for many chemical reactions and also helps transport dissolved compounds into and out of cells
It is a metabolite in many chemical reactions like photosynthesis, digestion, and aerobic respiration.
The science concerned with the chemical basis of life
The science concerned with the chemical constituents of living cells and with the reactions and processes they undergo
The chemistry of life