Introduction to the ELS Flashcards
What do we mean by the ‘English’ Legal System?
4 nations
1. England
2. Wales
3. Scotland
4. Northern Ireland
- scotland and northern Ireland has its own distinct legal system, court and case law
- the human rights act applies to all of the UK
What does Devolution mean
Devolution = moving (or devoting) of powers from Westminster to legislatures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Devolution in the UK creates a
1. National parliament in Scotland
2. National assembly in Wales (now Welsh Parliament)
3. National Assembly in Northern Ireland
What does a ‘Common Law’ system mean?
- case law or judge-made law as opposed to being made by parliament
- distinguish between common law and equity
- based on the doctrine of precedent can be found throughout the world and reflects prior colonization by the British
What is Stare Decisis
one principle of law is decided in a superior court and it must be followed in future cases in courts of equal or lower status
- stare decisis= let the decision stand by and adhere to the decision
- judge-made law
what is a Civil law system
- codified rules/written constitution
- countries following a civil law system are most of Central and South America
what is the law of equity
- is to modify the rigours of the common law
- helpful to look at its historical development
what happens when there is a conflict between the 2 systems?
- a court is now able to recognize common law and equity at the same time and equity should take priority
What is an Adversial and Inquisitorial system?
- 2 sides fight it out to see who should win - judge makes decision based on what they have been told
- ELS is an adversarial system
- judge is more active in the trial
- calls people to the stand etc…