Introduction to Rorscach PP #3 Flashcards
4 Principles of Administration
- Follow standardized procedures
- The examiner is non-directive
- Capture the client’s performance accurately.
- Focus on what the client sees and how they see it.
Two Phases of Rorscach
- Response Phase (RP)
- Clarification Phase (CP)
Things Not to Say or Do
- Avoid saying “ambiguous” or “unstructured”
- Avoid saying there is no right or wrong answer.
- Avoid saying “most people…can or should. say or do something”
- Do not mislead the client into thinking that imagination or creativity is being tested.
Clarification Phase
- Clarify key words and phases.
- Repeat responses verbatim.
- Write down what is said and note significant gestures.
- Be as non-directive as possible.
- Use visual language with client in the CP
- Focus your attention on key words or phrases from RP and CP.
- Avoid vague questions.
- Sometimes it is necessary to clarify whether an ambiguous verbalization is one ot two responses.
Clarification Phase
- Don’t ask questions that don’t have purpose.
- Don’t ask too many questions.
- Don’t keep going after a score you “know” must be there.
- Don’t ask leading questions.
- Document enough that another person could code that record (using commonly know shorthand).
- Note orientation.
- Note prompts (PR) and (PU)
- Location on the location sheet during clarification.
- Put examiner comments/questions in parentheses.
Coding Principles
- Code how client saw.
- Coding what is articulated and sometimes gestures.
- Code what is on the card, not something off the card.
- Code categories independent of each other.
Code what is seen in the RP–ignore CP information that contradicts the RP.
- Coding competence is necessary to know what needs clarification.
- Coding problems are most often due to clarification problems.
Inter-Rater Reliability
- Inter-rater agreement is a critical aspect of coding the Rorscach.
Viglione, Blume-Marcovici, Miller, Giromini, and Meyer (2012)
Two graduate students independently coded 50 Rorscach protocols administered to adults and children.
- Mean ICC of al 62 RPAS indicators = .88
(Std Deviation = .11; Median = .92)
Evidence of Test-Retest Reliability
Children in elementary school.
- Took children of the classroom to help “train” examiners.
- Day 2 (3-4 days later)
Control group: same directions
Experimental group: give different responses. - They did give different responses.
- 85% same responses in the control group
- 14% same responses in the experimental group.
Yet the correlations between the structural summary for each child was similar in each group.
Overall Test-Retest Reliability
- Seems strong
- Inter-rater reliability seems to be good except for a few indicators.
- Coding book has been published with detailed guidelines covering how to code, presumably increasing those variables that showed lower inter-rate reliability.
Reasons to Code Orientation
- To help code FQ
- To help interpret reflections
SR code
Space is normally background but score SR if it becomes foreground.
SI code
Space is articulated detail inside or integrating an ink part as well.
Synthesis (SY)
Distinct and separate objects in a relationship.
Vagueness (VG)
Objects with vague or indistinct outline or boundaries (no form demand) and no form added/injected.
When do you code SI for colored areas identified as “white”?
Code SI, if the response is integrated with other parts of the blot.
FQ extrapolations must have the same shape, form features, and spatial orientation (not just content).
Extrapolations for Single Objects
- Search the FQ tables for responses with similar shapes. If straightforward, assign the FQ.
- Search like areas.
- Search subcomponents of an object.
- Consider results and make a determination.
Extrapolation for Multiple Objects
Score the lowest form quality of important components.
Pairs (2)
Two identical objects symmetrical on each side of the blot midline.
- Must be identical in all respects.
- Often use 2 but sometimes use plural to covey this, or “a couple of”
- Don’t score pair when reflection is scored.
Form Quality
- If a response has multiple objects, code the FQ of the material objects with the lowest FQ.
- FQ reflects conventional and accurate ways ot processing information.
- FQ tables are based on accumulated FQ tables and international sample.
- Based on:
Fit and frequency.