Introduction to Phlebotomy Flashcards
phlebos mean
temnein means
cut open
during this era, they let the people bleed out and they use bloody procedures (more ruthless than now)
stone age
during the middle ages (1210) they used phlebotomy
barber surgeons
barber symbols represent?
red - blood
white - tourniquet
pole - stick to assist in dilating arteries and veins
instruments used during historical period
blood-letting fleam
bleeding bowls
2 ancient methods of blood-letting
most common ancient phlebotomy method
venesection used this process of cutting veins open to eliminate bad blood and reduce fever
cupping is called ___ nowadays
an ancient phlebotomy process where they heat cups and put it on the back after cutting blades on area
was the first president of the US who had throat infection and had to bleed out more than 9 pints of blood in less than 24 hours which led to his death
George Washington
when was the golden era of scientist
Mid 19th century
he invented pasteurization, sterilization, fermentation, and vaccines for anthrax and rabies
Louis Pasteur
he traced the cholera outbreak in London by researching the contaminated water in Broad Street pump
John Snow