Introduction To Parasitology Flashcards
A living organism which receives nourishment and shelter from another organism where it lives
An organism which harbours the parasite
An organism which harbours the parasite
Types of parasite
- Ectoparasite- living outside on the surface of the body of the host
- Endoparasite - lives inside the body of host
- Temporary parasite - visits host for a short period
- Permanent parasite - leads a parasitic life throughout its life time
- Facultative parasite- lives a parasitic life when opportunity arises
- Obligate parasite - cannot exist without parasitic life
- Occasional or accidental parasite - attacks on unusual host
- Wandering or aberrant - happens to reach a place where it cannot live
- Free living - non parasitic stage
Types of host
- Definitive host
- Intermediate host
- Paratenic host
- Reservoir
Definitive host
Definitive hosts either harbour the adult stage of the parasite
Where the parasite utilizes the external method of reproduction
In the majority of human parasitic infection, man is the definitive host
Intermediate host
It harbours the larval stage of the parasite
In some cases the larval development is completed in two different intermediate hosts, these are referred as first and second intermediate host
In malaria and hydatid disease man acts as an intermediate host
Paratenic host
A host where the parasite remains viable without further development
Reservoir hosts
It is a host which harbour parasite and serve as a source of infection to other susceptible host. Epidemiologically, reservoir hosts are important in the control of parasitic infection
A vector is an agent, usually an insect that transmits an infection from one human host to another
Mechanical vector
It is a vector which assists in transfer of parasitic form between hosts but is not essential in the life cycle of parasites.
Eg. A housefly that transfers amoebic cyst from faeces to food that is eaten by human
Sources of infection
- Contaminated soil and water
- Fresh water fishes
- Crabs and crayfish. - paragonimus wertermani
- Raw or uncooked pork - t solium, trichinella spiralis
- Raw or uncooked beef - t.saginata, toxoplasma gondii
- watercress - fasciola hepatica
- Blood sucking insect
- Housefly - mechanical carrier of e histolytica
- Dog - echinococcus granulosus and toxocara canis
- Cat - t gondii
- Man - E histolytica, h nana