introduction to occlusion Flashcards
the tooth to tooth relationship between the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the jaws are in a fully closed position
primate spaces
spaces between primary teeth that allow for the permanent teeth to erupt without crowding. occurs as the arches start to grow - so this is seen at approximately age 5
largest primate spaces
maxillary - between canines and laterals
mandibular - between canines and first molars
leeway spaces
primary teeth set occlusion pattern for permanent
deciduous molars and canines wider than permanent premolars and canines
space saved during mesial drift of permanent molars
mesial step
most children - mandibular molars are more mesial than maxillary molars
flush terminal plane
mandibular molars and maxillary molars are even
distal step
least common - mandibular molars more distal than maxillary molars
primary curve of spee
adult curve of spee
normal curve of spee
starts around the mesial of the 1st molar
premature curve of spee
starts closer to the premolars
late curve of spee
starts closer to the posterior of the 1st molar
sphere of monson
curve of spee and wilson combined
centric relation
a relationship of the upper jaw to the lower jaws
home base for the jaws
defined as the most retrueded relationship of the mandible to the maxilla
centric occlusion
a relationship of the upper teeth to the lower teeth
ideally, when the mandible is in CR…
the dentician should be in the centric occlusion
horizontal measurement of anterior overlap
horizontal distance of anterior teeth in crossbite
maximum touching of maxillary and mandibular arches
maximum intercuspation
the maximum closure of the maxillary and mandibular arches
Class I
MB cusp of max 1st molar - mesiobuccal groove of mand 1st molar
max canine - mand canine & mand 1st molar
inter-arch malocclusions
- midlines off-center
- posterior crossbite
- anterior crossbite
- open bite (anterior or posterior)
intra-arch malocclusions
supraversion - above occlusal plane infraversion - below occlusal plane drifted mesial - tooth extracted lingoversion - tooth positioned more lingual torsoversion - rotated or twisted
class II
retrognathic profile
class III
prognathic profile
centric occlusion
relationship of teeth in opposite arches; static position
abnormal proximal contacts
open contacts (extraction/ large maxillary frenum) drifting (due to extraction) pathologic migration (disease)
functional occlusion
associated with performance
all contacts during function of the oral cavity
functional contacts
normal contacts between max and mandibular teeth
momentary contacts
parafunctional contacts
abnormal contacts
occlusal habits and neuroses
class I molar relationship
MB cusp of max 1st molar -buccal groove of mandibular 1st molar
class I canine relationship
max canine - mand canine and mand 1st premolar
conditions that occur in class I malocclusion
malposition - individual teeth or groups of teeth
crowded anterior teeth
protruded or retruded max incisors
class II, division I
retrognathic profile
buccal groove of mand 1st molar - distal to MB cusp of max 1st molar
canine relationship: distal of mand canine distal to mesial of max canine
class II, division 2
buccal groove of mand 1st molar distal to MB cusp of max 1st molar
canine relationship - distal of mandibular canine distal to mesial of max canine
class III
molar relationship: buccal groove of mand 1st molar - mesial to MB cusp of max 1st molar
canine relationship - distal of mand canine mesial to mesial of max canine
partially anodontia
throws off molar relationship
uses canines to classify
artificial occlusion