Introduction to I/O Psychology Flashcards
What are the 3 main areas of research & practice in I/O psychology?
Personnel psychology, organizational psychology, and engineering psychology
What is Personnel Psychology concerned with?
Evaluating, selecting, & training workers
What are some topics included in Personnel Psychology?
Job analysis, performance appraisal, personnel selection, training, & career counseling
On what does Organizational Psychology focus?
Individual and group processes within organizations and concerned with factors that affect outcomes like job satisfaction, motivation, work effectiveness, and quality of work life
What are some topics in the area of Organizational Psychology?
Leadership style, decision-making, and organizational development
Engineering Psychology is also called what?
Human factors psychology and ergonomics
What does Engineering Psychology deal with?
Relationships between workers and work context
What are some issues of interest in Engineering Psychology?
Work schedules, job burnout, & accidents
What is the purpose of job analysis?
Describe the precise requirements of a job
What kind of information can job analysis produce?
Information that is job-oriented (focus on task requirements of the job), worker-oriented (identify the knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics required for successful job performance), or a combination of the two
What are a few methods of job analysis?
Interviews, questionnaires (like the Position Analysis Questionnaire), direct observation, and work diaries
What is the purpose of evaluations of employee performance?
To assist in decision-making about raises & bonuses, promotions & dismissals, and provide employees with feedback regarding their performance
What are 2 types of measures of job performance?
Objective (easily quantifiable data like dollar amount on sales and number of units produced) or subjective (ratings by supervisors, peers, or employees themselves)
Which type of job performance measure is affected by rater biases? Name a few rater biases.
Subjective; halo effect, central tendency bias, leniency bias, strictness bias, and contrast bias
What are some examples of subjective rating methods for job performance?
Personnel comparison systems, critical incidents, behaviorally anchored rating scales, behavioral-observation scales, and forced-choice checklists
What are some commonly used personnel selection techniques?
Work samples, interviews, biographical inventories, assessment centers, and standardized tests
Which techniques for personnel selection have shown the highest validity across different jobs?
Cognitive ability tests and job knowledge tests
Which technique for personnel selection has the lowest validity?
Interest tests
What must be considered when selecting or evaluating personnel?
Legal issues, especially those set forth in EEOC’s Uniform Guidelines
What is adverse impact?
When minority group members are hired at a substantially lower rate than majority group members.
What are 2 causes of adverse impact?
Differential validity and unfairness
What are factors that determine the usefulness of a selection test?
Validity and reliability (obviously) and it should increase decision-making capacity (have incremental validity) and be cost effective
What is a measure’s incremental validity affected by?
The selection ratio (percentage of employees to be hired), the base rate (proportion of current employees considered successful), & measure’s validity coefficient.
How can incremental validity be estimated?
By subtracting the base rate from the positive hit rate (proportion of employees hired with the new selection test who are successful on the job)
What is the first step in developing a training program?
Needs analysis
What are the 3 components of a needs analysis?
Organization analysis, task analysis, & person analysis