Introduction to Histology (Lecture 1) Flashcards
What are the steps involved in histology?
Specimen acquisition, Fixation, Dehydration, Embedding, Section, Stain
Preserve the structure
remove water
stiffen to cut
improves resolution
produces contrast
How do cells deal with entropy?
By increasing the entropy in their surroundings e.g. creating compartments. This ensures the right molecule goes to the right place at the right time. Cells contain large amounts of membrane to create these compartments.
What are organelles in the cytoplasm?
membrane/non membrane bound which each have a specific function
What are inclusions in the cytoplasm?
Small, insoluble particles such as calcium crystals, glycogen, lipid droplets
What is cytosol in the cytoplasm?
Water, salts, organic molecules, soluble proteins, cytoskeletal protein filaments
Describe the plasma membrane of 2 cells
9nm wide, selectively permeable, dynamic boundary with pumps, channels and receptors.
Function and structure of a microtubule
Function: intracellular support, cell shape, cilia movement, chromosome arrangement, dynamic structure. Structure: hollow cylinders, 22nm diameter, 5nm thick wall
Function and structure of microfilaments
Function: Microvilli structure and cell cytoplasm extensions. Structure: Actin protein, 6nm diameter
Function of the mitochondria
generate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation, citric acid cycle and Beta oxidation of fatty acids.
Function and structure of the rough ER
Function: Protein synthesis. Structure: cisterna covered with ribosomes
Function and structure of the smooth ER
Function: metabolism, detoxification, isolate calcium, membrane formation. Structure: cisterna and glycogen inclusions
Function and structure of the Golgi Apparatus
Functions: sorting and packaging proteins. Structure: Cisterna form crescent shape with vesicles budding off
Describe secretory vesicles
They are membrane-bound and produced by the cell. They contain 1 protein to be exocytosed form the cell or incorporated into a lysosome
Flat sheets of membrane
Folds of membrane
Function and structure of the cytoskeleton
Function: structural support, intracellular movement of organelles and metabolites. Structure: non-membranous microtubules and microfilaments