Introduction to haematology Flashcards
name the 3 types of blood cell?
give the term for the production of blood cells?
what are all blood cells derived from?
- haematopoiesis
- pluripotent stem cells
Give the sites of haematopoiesis at the following stages:
- Embryo
- Birth
- Birth to maturity
- Adult
- yolk sac then liver, in 3rd to 7th month- spleen
- mostly bone marrow, liver and spleen when needed
- no. of active sites in bone marrow decreases but retain ability for haematopiesis
- bone marrow of skull, ribs, sternum, pelvis, proximal ends of femur
name the cell from which all blood cells derive?
why must blood cell turn over be high?
- Haematopoietics stem cell
- in order to maintain homeostasis
what needs to happen to a stem cell to make blood?
Proliferation + Differentiation
describe the quiescent state of stem cells?
basically means they are dormant
-Describe the stages of Erythropoiesis in terms of cell names?
at what stage does the RBC leave the bone marrow?
-what’s the pattern of size change here?
-what main features differentiate mature RBCs from immature RBCs?
Pronormoblast Basophilic/early normoblast Polychromatophilic/intermediate normoblast Orthochromatic/late normoblast ------------------------------leaves BM Reticulocyte Mature red cell (erythrocyte)
-gets smaller with maturation
-Have no nucleus
RNA degrades after it leaves BM making it smaller and paler
give a basic overview of what the following cells do:
- RBCs
- platelets
- White cells
- carry O2, other roles e.g. buffer
- stop bleeding
-fight infection
cancer prevention
give the 3 types of granulocytes?
- Structure& stain? (2)
- Functions?(5)
-segmented nucleus
Neutral staining granules
-short life in circulation (transit to tissues)
Phagocytose invaders
kill with granule content and die in the process
Attract other cells
Inc by body stress e.g. infection/trauma
- structure & stain (2)
- Function (2)
- elevated in what?
Bright orange/red granules
- fight parasitic infections
- involved in hypersensitivity (allergic reactions)
-often elevated in patients with allergies
- structure? (2)
- Function ?(5)
-infrequent in circulation
large deep purple granules obscuring nucleus
-Circulating version of tissue mast cell
mediates hypersensitivity reactions
FcReceptors bind IgE
Granules contain histamine
- structure & staining? (2)
- Function (4)
-large single nucleus
faintly staining granules, often vacuolated
-circulate for a week then enter tissues to become macrophages
Phagocytose invaders to kill them and then present antigens to lymphocytes
attract other cells
live longer than neutrophils
- structure (two forms)? (2)
- Function? (3)
-mature= small with condensed nucleus and rim of cytoplasm
Activated (often called atypical)= large with plentiful blue cytoplasm extending round neighbouring red cells on film, nucleus more open
-B, T and NK subtypes cognate response to infection B cells-secrete antibodies T cells- helper and Killer T cells, killer are cytotoxic NK cells- also cytotoxic
How do you recognise more primitive precursor cells?
expression profile of proteins (antigens) on the surface of cells
culture in vitro and show lineage of progeny in different growth conditions
what are the main areas that should be covered when examining the haemopoietic system
look at: peripheral blood bone marrow specialised tests of bone marrow also for splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy
where is the most common site for bone marrow aspiration & biopsy
-name of marrow biopsy?
- posterior iliac crests
- trephine biopsy