Haemolysis Lecture Flashcards
definition of haemolysis?
Premature red cell destruction
i.e. shortened red cell survival
Why are red cells susceptible to damage?
need to have biconcave shape to transit in the circulation successfully
Have limited metabolic reserve and rely on glucose metabolism for energy
Can’t generate new proteins once in circulation
Compensated haemolysis definition?
increased red cell destruction compensated by increased red cell production
i.e. Hb maintained
What is haemolytic anaemia?
decompensated haemolysis
inc rate of red cell destruction exceeding bone marrow capacity for red cell production
i.e Hb falls
what are the consequences of haemolysis?
- to red cell production?
- products?
-erythroid hyperplasia (increased production of red cells by the BM)
Excess red cell breakdown products e.g. bilirubin
How does the bone marrow respond to haemolysis? (2)
reticulocytosis & erythroid hyperplasia
- what is it?
- Blood film findings?
- stain used?
- increase in number of immature (non-nucleated) RBCs
- polychromasia (ribosomal RNA)
- Supravital stain
Erythroid hyperplasia
-what is it?
excessive growth of immature RBCs
give the 2 classifications of heamolysis?
- and the definition of each?
- give causes for each intra (4) and extra (1)
Extravascular Vs intravascular
taken up by reticuloendothelial system
red cells destroyed within the circulation
-intra ABO incompatibility G6PD deficiency severe falciparum malaria Rarer still PNH, PCH Extra everything else :/
Extravascular haemolysis
- instance?
- location & effect?
- breakdown products? cause what?
- commoner
- hyperplasia in organs at site of destruction e.g. liver and spleen
-release of protoporphyrin
causes unconjugated bilirubinaemia and jaundice/gall stones/Urobilinogenuria
Intravascular haemolysis
-pathophysiological events and consequences? i.e. products of breakdown and clinical impact
haemoglobinaemia (free Hb in circulation) Methaemalbuminaemia (Methaemalbumin in blood) Haemoglobinuria: (urine pink, turns black on standing) Haemosiderinuria (brown urine)
investigations in heamolysis
-to confirm the haemolytic state? (5)
-to identify cause? (2)
what should be looked for on blood film? (4)
-FBC (+Blood film) reticulocyte count serum unconjugated bilirubin serum haptoglobins urinary urobilinogen
-Hx & examination
(genetic vs acquired)
specialist inv e.g. Coombs test
-spherocytes, red cell fragments, heinz bodies, sickle cells
Haemolysis can also be classified according to site of red cell defect, state the 4 site?s (4)
premature destruction of normal red cells (immune/mechanical)
abnormal cell membrane
abnormal red cell metabolism
abnormal Hb
Give the two causes Of acquired, immune mediated haemolysis?
Autoimmune haemolysis
Alloimmune haemolysis
Autoimmune haemolysis
- warm (what Ig involved and associated with what (5)?)
- cold (what Ig involved and associated with what (3)?)
- test used to diagnose?
-IgG idiopathic autoimmune disorders e.g. SLE Lymphoproliferative disorder (CLL) Drugs e.e. penicillin infection
Lymphoproliferative disorders
-Direct Coombs’ test
this identifies antibody and complete bound to own red cells
patients RBCs + anti-human IgG = agglutination then +
Alloimmune haemolysis -immune response (seen in what? what Ig involved (2)?) -Passive transfer (seen in what? what Ig involved?)
-haemolytic transfusion reaction
immediate- IgM (intravascular)
delayed- IgG (extravascular)
-antibody passively transferred across in haemolytic disease of the newborn
RhD/ABO incompatibility
give causes of mechanical Red cell destruction? (5)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation Haemolytic Uraemia syndrome TTP leaking heart valve infection
What is seen on blood film in severe burns?
microspherocytes, the red cells are sheared as they pass through damaged capillaries
name 3 acquired membrane defects that result in haemolysis?
Name 4 genetic membrane defects that result in haemolysis?
Liver disease- Zieve's syndrome (Haemolysis, Alcoholic liver disease, hyperlilidaemia) Vitamin E deficiency Paroxysmal Nocturnal haemoglobinuria all very rare
-reduced membrane deformability
increased transit time though spleen
Oxidant environment in spleen causes extravascular red cell destruction
Hereditary spherocytosis
name congenital causes off abnormal red cell metabolism? (2)
acquired causes? (1)
G6PD deficiency
(failure to cope with oxidative stress)
failure to generate ATP
some drugs that initiate oxidative stress
e.g. Dapsone
give congenital causes for abnormal Hb?
sickle cell disease