introduction to eco issues Flashcards
measures of economic performance / indicators :
- EG
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- Environmental
- External stability
- Inequality
four economic functions of the government
- stabilising economic activity
- resource allocation
- redistribution of income
- market regulation
macroeconomic policies
- fiscal policy
- monetary policy
- price and income policy
microeconomic policy
- product markets
- factor markets
- competition policy
economic growth definition
A quantitative measure of an increase in real GDP ( output ) over time.
Economic Development:
A qualitative concept of wellbeing ( e.g; access to health and education )
Sustainable Economic Growth
Governments aim for sustainable economic growth rather than growth at any cost to ensure economic growth raises quality of life
Internal Balance Focus:
full employment
price stability
full employment
The economic objective to achieve an unemployment rate near the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment ( NAIRU ).
- no cyclical UE, only structural
- UE gen at 4-5%
price stability
price stability is the economic objective to minimise inflationary pressures
- target band of 2-3%
external stability
To have an economic situation in which external sector ( CA, foreign debt + foreign ownership ) is sustainable and does not constrain domestic policy making
- historically CAD below -6.0% –> now 3.4%
environmental sustainability
Economic activity is only acceptable if it does not damage the environment and does not compromise intergenerational equity
intergenerational equity
Leaving the environment for next generation in as good condition as the present
equitable distribution of income
Govt. seeks to promote greater equality in distribution of income to bridge gap between rich and poor via progressive tax system and transfer payments
measurement of income distribution
gini coefficient
lorenz curve
macroeconomic policies
Concerned with stabilising economic activity on the DEMAND side ( AD )
- Intended to find sustainable balance between various objectives
- Short term + medium term economic management
aggregate demand definition
Total expenditure for final G+S in the economy over a period.
AD formula
- AD = C + I + G + ( X - M )
- AD = Y = Output
loosening monetary policy
expansionary effect
decreasing interest rates –> stimulates AD
tightening monetary policy
Raising interest rates –> dampens AD
contractionary effect
neutral monetary policy
No change to the official interest rate
Microeconomic Policies:
- Concerns with areas of economy which mostly impacts supply ( Aggregate Supply )
- Designed to improve efficiency of targeted sectors
- Rationale to increase Aus’s productive capacity in long term
Operate on supply side to boost AS
allocative efficiency
Occurs when resources ( capital, labour ) are distributed so that the net benefit to consumers of output is maximised.
Technical Efficiency:
Occurs when productive output is increased from a set of volume of resources.
Dynamic Efficiency:
Refers to an economy’s ability to adapt to changing economic conditions, having strong short-term performance while also improving long-term goals.
area of MER: dereuglation
Removal of government controls over a sector over product and factor markets.
Eg: financial markets, banking sector, airlines
MER: privatisation
Sale of state owned enterprises
Eg: commonwealth, qantas
legislation MER
To increase economic liberalisation
Competition Policy: Competition & Consumer Act 2010
Price Stability & Full Employment:
Unemployment falls → higher inflationary pressures ( COST PUSH ) due to fall in labour supply + wages ris
Price Stability & Economic Growth:
Strong EG ( AS may not rise as quickly ) → demand pull inflation
Economic Growth & External Stability:
EG raises incomes → consumers buy more imports → worsens CAD
Economic Growth + Environmental Sustainability:
Increased consumption of resources ( natural etc ) → Higher rates of EG
Economic Growth + Distribution of income:
Benefits of growth are skewed to skilled workers and owner of capital
Inflation + External Stability:
- Low inflation → increases int competitiveness → exporters offer cheaper goods → boosting revenues → improving CAD
- compatability
Economic Growth + Full employment:
increasing govt action to increase EG → dec cyclical UE → increasing production creates derived demand for labour
- compatible