Introduction to Culture Flashcards
Ada berapa definisi Culture?
- by popular definition sama by anthropologist, sociologist, sama psychologist
Anthropologist itu apa?
scientist that practice anthropology to study about human in general
Sociologist itu apa?
scientist that study about human behavior and interaction in organization
Psychologist itu apa?
PhD who specialize in the study of human mind
Culture by Popular Definition
Culture involves music, theatre and art or the things that enrich our lives
Culture by 3 ahli
dibagi jadi 4:
a. culture is acquired
b. culture is shared
c. culture defines core values
d. culture resist changes
maksud culture is acquired
kultur itu didapat secara turun temurun dari orang tua atau leluhur kita
maksud culture is shared
kulture itu dibagikan dari generasi ke generasi, misalnya kaya pelabelan orang
maksud culture defines core values
satu kelompok orang tend to punya satu inti atau poin pemahaman yang sama. nah culturenya disitu
maksud culture resist change
kultur yang udah ada di suatu kelompok dalam waktu yang lama akan sulit atau resist pada change
gimana cara developing cultural awareness?
belajar bahwa tiap kultur itu berbeda dan harusnya saling dihargai bukan dihirarkikan