Introduction To CR And Digital Imaging Detectors Flashcards
What is the intensity of x-rays impacted by?
The thickness of the material
The type of material
When there’s a thicker material, is attenuation more or less likely to occur?
More likely
What is noise?
Unwanted fluctuations in signal
What are the 2 types of noise we can get?
Electronic noise
Quantum noise
What is quantum noise about?
Poisson distribution
What is Poisson distribution?
The probability of the photons being attenuated or absorbed. (In the same situation, it’s expected that they’d have the same attenuation, but due to fluctuations they don’t)
How does scatter affect an image?
It makes the difference between photons passing through material and no material smaller, which reduces the contrast of the image
If there’s more photons, is there more or less noise?
Less noise, so better image quality
If there’s less photons, is there more or less noise?
More noise
What is a penumbra?
A shadow
Is it more ideal to have a small or large focal spot?
Small focal point. We want to get the spread of x-rays coming from a small source
What are the features of a perfect detector?
It fully absorbs all of the transmitted photons
It has a good spatial resolution and doesn’t add to the blurring of the penumbra
It operates in standard conditions, so normal day to day life, e.g. it doesn’t only work in extremely low temperatures
It’s durable and cheap
What are the 2 types of radiography?
Computed radiography (CR)
Digital radiography (DR)
Where is computed radiography (CR) used?
In dental systems
What happens in computed radiography (CR)?
Radiation is absorbed by an imaging plate
(There’s no fixed detector- there’s only an imaging plate that can move)
The energy from the absorption is trapped, forming a latent image
When we put the imaging plate in the reader, the release of the trapped energy is converted into the image
What are examples of CR readers and cassettes?
Carestream (Kodak)
For the exam, do we need to know equations?
For the exam, will we ever be asked any maths questions?
Label the CR plate/detector:
What are the 3 layers in a CR plate/detector?
Conductive layer
Reflective layer
Protective layer
What happens to the CR plate/detector?
The protective layer gets removed so that the conductive layer can be exposed to the detector
What is the conductive layer in the CR plate made out of?
A crystalline structure
What happens in the CR plate?
The x-ray photons enter the protective layer
The photons interact with the crystal in the reflective layer
The photons then interact with the electrons in the conductive layer.
The electrons get a lot of energy and become excited
The electrons want to get rid of the energy
When the electrons lose the energy, they go to the valence band
What can happen to the electrons in the CR plate?
The electrons can get trapped in the crystal structure of the forbidden zone and get held in place there. However, they can only get trapped if they find a trap in the structure. But they don’t have enough energy to leave the trap
What can we do to release the trapped electrons from the crystal structure in the CR plate?
We can give the electrons more energy to escape the trap- this is how readers use energy to produce images
This produces light, and the light is proportional to the energy that the electrons absorbed, which can produce an image
What’s an example of how we can give the trapped electrons in the CR plate energy?
We can use a laser, as that’ll give the electrons energy
Where do the electrons get trapped in the CR plate?
In the forbidden zone