Introduction To Clinic Sciences Flashcards
What is clinical science at cbu-som
Clinical science is a course that shows or establishes a reason for the learning of pre-clinical sciences (biochemistry, anatomy,,,) in relation to the patient
What is the goal of clinical science?
To provide high quality health care providers
What is clinical science?
Application of scientific knowledge and technology in the care of patients
Raison d^etre
Importance of somebody or something existence
Who is the most important in the medical profession
Hippocrate oath highlights?
-Respect for ones teachers
-obligation to pass on the information learned
-do not cause harm
-never use one’s skills and knowledge to kill
-never breach(break) confidentiality
- leave Operations to specialist
Guard against 3 W’s _women, wine,wealth
What are the major medical discoveries and passed on from generation
1)Germ theory -koch postulates _ spirits
Germ theory is the theory that states that disease is caused by pathogens small micro-organism (viruses, bacteria,,,,etc)
2) invention of the microscope
3) pasteurization
4) vaccination
5) penicillin and other broad-spectrum antibiotics
6) anaesthesia (Edinburgh University)
7) blood transfusion
8) organ transport
9) invention of of renal dialysis (artificial kidney)
10) cardiopulmonary bypass (heart and lung machine)
12) discovery of insulin
13) ARV’s ( antiretrovial drugs)
14) imaging technology (CT scan MRI)
Why are medical degrees not graded?
No avoid discrimination in the practice
Do’s and don’t’s for a medical doctor
-ask for permission before taking history
History is doing physical examination
- do not perform a procedure on a patient without their informed consent or guardian’s consent- this is punishable by law
What is an informed consent?
This is a agreed consent from the patient to performor practice
Who has the responsibility for patients in hospitals?
President MOH- ministry of health PS- Director Director of clinical care Head of Depts Consultant Registrar House officers Sister in charge of the ward or clinic
What is the modern way of looking after patients?
This is conducted by a team( doctors,clerk,nurse, clinical officer)
What is clinical thinking?
Is a process developed by medical profession by asking the question “what is wrong with the patient”
What are the steps in clinical thinking?
1) history taking
2) physical examination
3) investigations
4) assessment
5) plan and treatment
Give the goals of history taking?
1) receive information
2) give information