Introduction To Cells C2 Flashcards
First person to use term ‘cells’
Robert Hooke in 1665
First person to discover microscope and bacteria
Anton van Leeuwenhook
-microscope 1673
-bacteria in 1674
State 3 theory cell from scientists
-all plants are made of cells
-all animals are made of cells
-all cells come from pre-existing cells
State 3 theory cells of biology
-all living things are made up of cells
-cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organism
-new cells are produce from existing cells
Theory of Abiogenesis (non-living)
Theory state that non-living things can be spontaneously changed into living things
Theory of Biogenesis
States that only living organisms can produce other living organisms
Means of Cell Specialization
Cell in organism specialized to perform different tasks.
State characteristic of Prokaryotes [6]
(not true nucleus)
-including bacteria
-no nucleus
-no membrane
-have a long circular DNA
-contain ribosome to make proteins
-rod shape, spherical, and spiral
Prokaryotes cell structure [6]
-capsule on the 1st layer
-cell wall on the 2nd layer made of peptidoglycan (carbo + protein)
-plasma membrane on the 3rd layer
-DNA in a region called nucleoid
-use flagella to move in rotary corkscrew
State the characteristic of Eukaryotes [7]
-exclude bacteria
-more complex and larger than Prokaryotes
-have membrane bound organells
-has a nucleus
-has more DNA than Prokaryotes
-DNA is linear
-ex: animal, plant, fungi
Eukaryotes Cell structure [2]
-have a membrane bound nucleus
-has a numerous bound organells not found in Prokaryotes (mithochondria, lysosomes, golgi apparatus)
Differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
-no nuclues
-small ribosomes
-no organelles
-ex: in archaebacteria, eubacteria
-have nucleus
-large ribosomes
-have organelles
-ex: in protista, fungi, plantae, animalia
Means of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
P= not true nucleus
E= true nucleus
Basic organelles of cells [4]
-cell membrane
-nuclear material
Similarities between Plant Cells and Animal Cells
-have membrane surrounding cythoplasm
-both have nucleus
-both have mytochondria