Introduction to Bacte Flashcards
The first to use a lens to observe the smallest unit of
tissues he called “cells
Robert Hooke
The first person to observe and accurately describe microorganisms (bacteria & protozoa) called “animalcules” (little animals)
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
“Father of Hand Hygiene”; Hand washing; infection control
Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis
Modern epidemiology
John Snow
Demonstrated that different types of microbes produce different fermentation products
Louis Pasteur
Heating liquids to 63– 65°C for 30 minutes or 73– 75°C for 15 seconds
A theory which explains that “Specific microbes cause specific infectious diseases”
Germ Theory of Disease
He developed methods of fixing, staining, and photographing bacteria, methods of cultivating bacteria on solid media
Robert Koch
First proposed the use of agar in culture media
Fanne Hesse
Developed the Petri dish (plate), a container used for solid culture
Richard Petri
- Tyndallisation
- Provided the initial evidence that some of the microbes in dust and air have very high heat resistance
John Tyndall
Aseptic techniques using physical & chemical agents
Joseph Lister
Developed Vaccination (smalpox vaccine)
Edwrd Jenner
Developed phagocytic theory of immunity
Elie Metchnikoff
Developments of chemotherapy
Paul Ehrlich
Discovery of the first alpha drug
Gerhard Domagk
discover the first antibiotic penicillin
Alexander Fleming
Selman Waksman
(the evolutionary history of organisms) and scientific study of all living things in virtually
every biologic discipline, including microbiology.
pro vides a more detailed but very complex analysis of the cur rent classification system using ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA)
polyphasic taxonomy
systematic process applied to all living entities, providing a consistent means to classify, name (nomenclature), and identify organisms.
variations in gene expression not caused by nucleic acid sequence similarities or differences
gold standard” for classification of bacterial species has historically been based on
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) including DNA hybridization (DDH) patterns and 16S rRNA gene (16S rDNA)
The identification and classification of microorganisms that include protein studies, fatty acid analysis, and cell wall composition.
chemotaxonomic methods