Introduction to Agricultural Crops Production Flashcards
Special wastes include hazardous waste, healthcare waste, and residual waste.
What do you call the systematic raising of useful plants and livestock under the management of man?
What is the operation of fish production in a controlled space?
What is the operations of tree farms, forest nurseries, and activities such as reforestation and gathering of forest products?
They are a set of actions undertaken in the event of an accident.
The following are common agricultural crops in the Philippines EXCEPT FOR:
Coconut, sugarcane, rice
Pineapples, bananas, abaca
Cranberries, peaches, brussel sprouts
Onion, garlic, mangoes
Cranberries, peaches, brussel sprouts
What is the production of plants, vines, and trees in farms, orchards, greenhouses, and nurseries?
Recordkeeping means to keep track of the history of a farm’s activities and transactions by creating and storing consistent records.
These refers to any crop protectant, growth regulator, fertilizer, soil conditioner, cleaning agent, food additive, or anything permitted by the Philippine National Standards.
It is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies.
a practice that allows farmers to expand farm production by either making changes in cropping patterns or the farmers opting for other non-farming options like poultry farming, animal husbandry, etc.
a mainly fungal disease of plants causing dark lesions
an antagonistic association between two organisms(especially microorganisms) in which one is adversely affected
the rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food
the process of planting or placing soil in a pot or any plant container
the process of applying fertilizer into the soil before sowing seeds or planting a seedling
a plant disease that causes by a fungus which results in the discoloration of some plant parts
a plant disease, typically are caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts
a type of grafting technique that uses a bud when propagating a plant
a fungal disease that attacks the bark of the trees
an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure
a cultivated plant that is grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or vegetable
a common agricultural practice followed by worldwide farmers to grow and produce crops to use as food and fibre
Crop Production
the preparation and use of land for growing crops which involves different tillage operation
a plant propagation technique that cuts any plant parts then re-plant it into a new pot or any planting container
a state in which a plant disease is occurring in excessively damp conditions like the collapse and death of young seedlings because of fungal infection
an agricultural practice of removing unwanted shoots or suckers to make the main plant can grow faster and less bushier
refers to a weather that characterized or marked by droplets or fine rain
refers to the physical factors in the environment that may cause musculoskeletal injuries
Ergonomic Hazard
a method of fertilizer application in which the fertilizer is incorporated with the irrigation water
the result in which plants are burned or damaged caused by too much fertilizer application
Fertilizer Toxicity or Fertilizer Burn
the science or practice of planting, managing, and caring for the forests.
a long narrow trench made in the ground by a plow or any agricultural equipment for planting seeds or for irrigation
a type of bar chart that illustrates the schedule and completion of the task
Gantt Chart
refers to the organisms like plants, animals, microorganisms, etc. in which genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or by natural recombination
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
refers to the environmental conditions that favor the germination of the seeds or seedlings which help them grow easily
Germination Environment
a guide in the implementation of best management practices that decrease the risk of microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
a post-harvest practice of classifying fruits or vegetables on their grades based on their maturity, categories, and quality
an asexual plant propagation technique that combines plant parts in the same variety for the purpose of producing a hybrid plant type, restore the plant, or help reduce the risk of plant diseases, etc.
the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
mixtures of natural components from earth that provide water, air, nutrients, and etc. to support the plants
Growing Media
the process of exposing the plants to harsh environmental conditions like sunlight, wind, and uneven temperature before trensplanting
an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long term prevention of pests or their damages by using a combination of different techniques
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
the supply of water for the land or crops through channels which help plant growth
a plant propagation technique that uses vines or heavy stemmed types of plants in order to produce new layers of the same plant
an area of land that is not very high above the sea or that is lower than most of the land around it
a document constituting a fundamental guarantee of rights and privileges
Magna Carta
a measurement or measurements that can be used to determine whether a particular example of a commodity is mature
Maturity Index
the main plant that is the source of seeds (or ovules), seedlings, or vegetative propagules
Mother Plant
refers to materials like decaying leaves, bark, compost, or special plastic which are spread around or over the plant to enrich or insulate the soil
any of a group of small typically parasitic bacteria that lack cell walls and sometimes cause diseases
a parasite that is capable of harming plants or crops
a set of policies and procedures that is followed in a workplace in order to prevent accidents, illnesses, and injuries
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
refers to a weather in which the clouds cover a large part of the sky
the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient
refers to the clothes or equipment worn or used by farmers or operators to ensure safety while performing any task/work
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
a destructive insect or animal that damages crops, food, livestock, etc.
a place where seedlings or plants are planted and taken care of until they grow and produces crops
Plant Nursery
an organism that causes disease to a plant
Plant Pathogens
the process of using different techniques of growing new plants from using plants or plant parts
Plant Propagation
the process of separating the seedlings and transferring them individually to a new plant container
the seeds and all plant materials or vegetative parts of plants intended for propagation and production of a specific variety of plant
Propagation Materials or Propagules
to trim a tree, shrub, or bush by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems to increase growth and fruit production
the shoots or suckers grow in the plant after being cut
the process of cutting most of the upper plant parts leaving the roots and other lower parts for the purpose of producing ratoons or suckers.
sets of methods or techniques that help restore plant’s vitality and freshness for the improvement of its growth
Rejuvenating Activities
a long narrow elevated part of the soil that is next to a furrow
the mass formed by the roots of a plant and the soil surrounding it
the state in which a seed is unable to germinate even under ideal growing conditions
Seed Dormancy
the process of weakening, opening or altering the seedcoat to increase potential germination
Seed Scarification
a method of treating the seeds before sowing which uses methods like placing seeds into a growing media or exposing them into a hot or cold temperature which is similar to the natural condition of the environment
Seed Stratification
a bed of fine soil or any growing media in which plants or seedlings are planted or germinated
to sow seeds or to plant seeds
the condition or process of deterioration with age
the union of plant sex cells to produce seeds
Sexual Propagation
a chemical or physical process that cause the death of organisms present in the soil
Soil Sterilization
a hazardous healthcare waste that can cause toxic or potential health danger
Special Waste
an insect or animal that harms or destroys stored food or goods
Storage Pests
a shoot that develops from a lateral bud on the rhizome and emerges from the soil usually near the parent plant
the process of cutting or removing several plants or plant parts to make the main plant less dense, crowded, or numerous
the process of preparing the land for planting and growing crops which involves different methods
refers to the stress that occurs to the newly transplanted plant which may cause problem with its growth or even may result to its death.
Transplanting Shock
a framework of light wooden or metal bars, chiefly used as a support for fruit trees or climbing plants
the third and succeeding leaves that grow from the seedling
True Leaves
refers to the vertebrates like birds, moles, rats, etc. that can damage the crops and the land
Vertebrate Pests
an infectious entity affecting plants, smaller than a virus and consisting only of nucleic acid without a protein coat
an undesirable plant that tends to overgrow and impede the growth of the main plant