Introduction To Accounting Flashcards
2 elements of accounting
- recording
- summarising (financial statements) - profit or loss + statement of financial position
Profit making business entities
- sole trader
- Partnership
- company
Components of a full set of financial statements
- statement of financial position
- statement of profit or loss
- statement of changes in equity
- statement of cash flows
- notes to the financial statement
Statement of profit or loss
Shows revenue and expenses of a business over the financial year
Revenue - cost of sales = gross profit
Gross profit + other operating income - distribution costs - admin expenses = profit from operations
Profit from operations - finance cost (interest on loans) + investment income = profit before tax
Profit before tax - tax = net profit/ (loss) for the period
Capital expenditure
- buying long term assets (non-current)
- upgrading long term assets to make them more productive
Revenue expenditure
- Cost of sales, distribution + selling admin
- repairs and maintenance of long-term assets
Statement of financial position
List of assets and liabilities of a business at year end total assets must = equity + liabilities
Non-current (long term) - PPE, goodwill (intangible), investments
Current - inventories, trade and other receivables, prepayments, cash and cash equivalents
capital and reserves - ordinary share capital, preference share capital, share premium account, reserves, retained earnings
Non-current (12+ months) - loan notes
Current (short term loans) - trade and other payables, short term borrowing, tax payable
IESBA code of ethics
- integrity
- objectivity
- professional competence and due care
- confidentiality
- professional behaviour
ICAEW code of ethics
Derived from IESBA code. Required to follow the sprit as well as the letter of the rules. Principles based code