Introduction/Chapter 1/Chapter 2 Flashcards
Divine Revelation consists of…
Scripture and Tradition
Divine Revelation
What God has made known to us
Official teaching body of the Church (i.e.: Pope, bishops, theologians)
A knowing of what ought to be done
Good and healthy habits which empower us to do good
Cardinal Virtues
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance
What does the word “cardinal” mean?
“Cardinal” comes from the Latin word “cardo,” meaning “hinge.” (Our moral life hinges on the Cardinal Virtues.)
Giving to God and neighbor what is deserved (fairness)
Right reason in action; responsible decision making
Strength; courage; “spiritual balls”
Theological Virtues
Faith, Hope, Love
Our belief in God and the beliefs of the Church, which we should defend and know
Our desire for God and eternal life
The most important of the Theological Virtues; also known as charity, empowering us to love God above all other things and to love our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God
A philosophy that denies there’s any meaning in existence or in religious beliefs. Nihilists maintain that the only things that comes after life is nothingness, annihilation.
Being made in God’s Image and Likeness means human beings have…
- Reason/Intellect
- Free will
- Soul
How does Adam and Eve’s creation foreshadow marriage?
Adam (Man) and Eve (Woman) were created by God for each other (partners), from each other (Adam’s rib), in order to bring about new life.
Significance of the rib in the creation of Eve
The rib is not a bone from the top, bottom, front, or back of the body, rather it is from the middle of the body in terms of the body’s height and width. Therefore, women are meant to walk side-by-side with men, not be superior or inferior to men OR walking ahead or behind men. Men and women are EQUALS.
Inborn or inherited, something that does not need to be earned or acquired.
The quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. Every human person has worth and value because each person is made in God’s image.
A bias in favor of a local solution (promotes the common good)
Christian principle of social love/charity and friendship (caring for you neighbor); also the name of a Catholic Polish political movement supported by John Paul II
Republicans tend to promote…
the Principle of Subsidiarity (e.g.: deregulation, smaller federal government)
Democrats tend to promote…
the Principle of Solidarity (e.g.: food stamps, social security, unemployment)
Subsidiarity without solidarity gives rise to…
Excessive self-interest (rampant individualism)
Solidarity without subsidiarity gives rise to…
State control and manipulation (totalitarianism)
Steward of Creation
Caretaker of Creation (NOT an owner, only a caretaker until the true “owner,” JESUS, returns)
Paschal Mystery
Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus
First Sin
Adam and Eve’s PRIDE, which led to their disobedience
Original Sin
The sin every human is born with due to no fault of our own
Who came up with the name “Original Sin”?
Saint Augustine of Hippo
The Rich Young Man (present in all the Synoptic Gospels) is seen…
- Questioning Jesus, whom he acknowledges as one who does have the answer of what one must do to inherit eternal life, about things that matter and directing them well, being concerned with the spiritual even though he was wealthy.
- Having the courage to step up and out of his comfort zone
- Not settling for the minimum
- Not being too hasty (no “knee-jerk” reaction to Jesus)
3 sources of knowledge about what we should/should not do
- Human reason
- Experience
- Divine Revelation
5 ways we are able to respond to God
- Our intelligence and freedom (being made in God’s Image and Likeness)
- Help of the Holy Spirit
- Support of the Church (pharmacy dispensing medication to combat our addiction to sin)
- Help of the Magisterium
- Help of Jesus Christ
How can Jesus be of help in a way the Holy Spirit cannot?
Jesus is fully HUMAN and fully GOD, while the Holy Spirit is purely metaphysical. Jesus was one of us and is relatable.
Who we really are and who we become through our choices and actions
Because the reality and seriousness of sin cannot be under-stressed, we need…
A balanced (temperate) theology of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, not focusing on one or the other too much.
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
- Founder of Christian Realism
- American Protestant theologian
- Stressed the balance between the suffering and reality of Good Friday & the glory and victory of Easter Sunday
- Criticized American liberalism, which saw God as without wrath and judgment, mankind without sin, and a Jesus without a Cross
- Taught that the Spirit does not dominate the human person as many churches claimed, but that allowing the Spirit “in” is a free choice, a person-to-person reality
- Humanity is saved to imitate Christ to bring about or hasten God’s Kingdom
- Downplaying sin leads to an elevation of ourselves to the divine level (pride)
- Never advocated for a loss of hope, but being a realistic Christian can create change agents in society
“The Modern Goodness of Man”
A popular movement that believed that man alone can “save” himself, with no need for Jesus
Why was Jesus necessary?
Saint Anselm’s “Debt Analogy”:
Imagine that you are in a relationship with a bank (GOD), but then you are in debt (SIN) to that bank, and the debt increases everyday so that there is no way that you will ever be able to pay it back. Your finite resources cannot get you out of it, but an owner/operator of the bank (JESUS) humbles himself and offers to pay the debt and put you on his perfect line of credit, causing you to even have a balance with the bank and return to a “right relationship” with the bank.
St. Maximilian Kolbe
- Born in 1894 in Poland
- Member of the Conventional Franciscan Order
- Established the “Immaculata Movement,” consecrating himself to Mary to grow in personal holiness
- Suffered from tuberculosis
- 1939: Imprisoned for a time when the Nazis invaded Poland, but eventually released
- 1941: Arrested again, sent to Auschwitz
- Volunteered to die of starvation instead of another prisoner who had a family
- Was starved for three weeks until the Nazis impatiently injected and executed him with carbolic acid on August 14, 1941.
A decision-making process that attends to the implications and consequences of an action or choice. (Taking time to weigh out the alternatives meditatively)
The living relationship of the children of God with their Father who is good beyond measure, with His Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit (conversation with God); Jesus prayed often at key moments in His life and taught us how to pray.
The aim or objective of a course of action.
A method, course of action, or instrument by which something can be accomplished.
The conditions or facts attending an event and having some bearing on it. Circumstances can increase or decrease the moral goodness or evil of an action.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Wrote the Spiritual Exercises to teach an effective way to discern God’s will