Introduction/Chapter 1/Chapter 2 Flashcards
Divine Revelation consists of…
Scripture and Tradition
Divine Revelation
What God has made known to us
Official teaching body of the Church (i.e.: Pope, bishops, theologians)
A knowing of what ought to be done
Good and healthy habits which empower us to do good
Cardinal Virtues
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance
What does the word “cardinal” mean?
“Cardinal” comes from the Latin word “cardo,” meaning “hinge.” (Our moral life hinges on the Cardinal Virtues.)
Giving to God and neighbor what is deserved (fairness)
Right reason in action; responsible decision making
Strength; courage; “spiritual balls”
Theological Virtues
Faith, Hope, Love
Our belief in God and the beliefs of the Church, which we should defend and know
Our desire for God and eternal life
The most important of the Theological Virtues; also known as charity, empowering us to love God above all other things and to love our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God
A philosophy that denies there’s any meaning in existence or in religious beliefs. Nihilists maintain that the only things that comes after life is nothingness, annihilation.
Being made in God’s Image and Likeness means human beings have…
- Reason/Intellect
- Free will
- Soul
How does Adam and Eve’s creation foreshadow marriage?
Adam (Man) and Eve (Woman) were created by God for each other (partners), from each other (Adam’s rib), in order to bring about new life.
Significance of the rib in the creation of Eve
The rib is not a bone from the top, bottom, front, or back of the body, rather it is from the middle of the body in terms of the body’s height and width. Therefore, women are meant to walk side-by-side with men, not be superior or inferior to men OR walking ahead or behind men. Men and women are EQUALS.