defined as a rule of conduct, just, obligatory, and promulgated by legitimate authority, and of common observance and benefit
is a philosophical discipline that deals with the morality of human conduct
in relation to health in particular and to human life in general.
father of medicine
he rejected the the concept of sickness a punishment from gods
In the Philippines, the practice of laboratory medicine finds its roots during the
The first public health laboratory was established around __.
1887, the Spanish colonial health system created the __
in order to examine food, water, and clinical specimens
Laboratorio Municipal de Manila
It was during this time that native
Filipinos began to engagein somethingakin to medical technology
1887- during the creation of a system called “laboratorio municipal de manila”
1921, legislation was passed for the
establishment of __
School of Hygiene and Public Health
In ___, the University of the
Philippines formally opened its degree-granting School of Hygiene and Public Health, a course analogous to medical technology education.
in what historical period of the Philippines is the Department of Public health was created?
commonwealth era specifically year 1939
what is the big event happened last September of 1945
the 26th medical laboratory of the 6th United states army arrived in the Philippines and established its advanced clinical laboratory
the arrival of the 6th us army in the philippines paved a way to established the 26th medical lab, where did they decided to established the said advance laboratory?
208 Quiricada Street,Sta. Cruz, Manila.
when the 6th US army departed, the lab was left in the care of the DOH. The clinical laboratory was re-organized by whom
Dr. Alfredo Pio De Roda, with the assistance of Dr. Mariano Icasiano.
US army left the Lab to DOH and reorganized by Dr. Roda and Dr. Icasiano, then changed the laboratory name as ____
manila public health laboratory
the first school that offered medical technology as a two yr course
philippine union college
In 1953, the Philippine Union College offered medical technology as a two-year
course through the effort of ________ , the pioneer of medical technology
education in the Philippines
Willa Hilgert Hedrick
In1955, __became its first medical technology graduate.
Dr.Jesse Umali
On June 21,1969, R.A___,otherwise known as The Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969,
Republic Act No.5527
is the national organization of all registered medical technologists (RMTs) in
the Philippines
PAMET means
The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET)
The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, or PAMET was been founded on
September 15,1963, in the Public Health Laboratory located at 208 Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila.
was been recognized as the father of PAMET, who sought to standardize the profession and to improve and upgrade its practice
Mr. Crisanto G. Almario
who’s the president of PAMET when the RA.5527 was enacted
Charlemagne T. Tamondong
when was PAMET registered with the securities and exchange commission
on October 14, 1969
when was the PRC for medtech created?
June 22, 1973
Proclamation No. 1181, series of 1973, Ferdinand Marcos declared the third week of ____ as a celebration of the medical technology profession
on what date is PAMET was accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as the professional organization of medical technologists
July 15, 1975
year when PAMET was registered with the International Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists (IAMLT)
PAMET gained membership in the ASEAN Association of medical laboratory Technologists (AAMLT)
BELOVED PAMET - the hymn of PAMET is written by ___ and set into music by ___
written by Hector G. Gayares
set int music by Francis Jerota Pefanco
what is the official publication of PAMET
LAB NEWS that was later changed to PAMETLINK
what is inside the PRC RESOLUTION NO. 2018-1089 series of 2018
PAMET is the only accredited professional organization of medical technologists recognized here in the Philippines
is the national organization of all recognized schools and colleges of
medical technology and public health in the Philippines
PASMETH meaning
The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and
Public Health (PASMETH)
The first organizational meeting of PASMETH was held at the __ on June 22, 1970.
University of Santo Tomas
__ was elected as the first president of PASMETH
Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes
DATE when PASMETH had its first annual meeting at the same university,
May 17,1971
PASMETH was formally
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a non-stock and non-profit
entity on __
October 6,1985
PASMETH strives to
a. encourage a thorough study of the needs and problems of medical technology education and to offer solutions for them
b. work for the enhancement and continuous development of medical technology education in order that the profession will be maximum service to the country
c. take a united stand in matters which affect the interests of medical technology education
d. seek advice, aid, and assistance from any government or private entity for the fulfillment of the association’s aims and purposes
is the national organization of medical technology student
The Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS)
PHISMETS is under
the supervision of __president and under the administration of the Committee
on Student Development of __.
is a special program that serves as a transforming venue for the integral and holistic development of medical technology/medical laboratory science student
advocacy of Charlemagne T. Tamondong
Emergence of the Profession
advocacy of Nardito moraleta
Professional Recognition
Felix E. Asprer’s advocacy
legislative agenda
bernardo tabaosares’ advocacy
celebration of the profession
angelina jose’s advocacy
career advocacy
venerable oca’s advocacy
educational enhancement
carmencita acedera’s advocacy
image building
marilyn atienza’s advocacy
norma chang’s advocacy
international leadership
agner medenilla’s advocacy
organizational dynamism
shirley cruzada’s advocacy
interdisciplinary networking
agnes medenilla’s advocacy
organizational dynamism
leila florento’s advocacy
global perspective
romeo ignacio’s advocacy
golden celebration
rolando puno’s advocacy
according to romeo ignacio, we soar high through VOICE, what is VOICE