Introduction and history Flashcards
Psychology is the science of mind and behavior.
Environmental Psychology
Environmental psychology (EPS) is the study of transactions between individuals & their
physical settings.
Mental processes
Internal experiences such as sensations, dreams, thoughts & feelings etc.
430 BC
Hippocrates believed that mental illness is caused by the four major bodily liquids
Black bile
Yellow bile
387 BC
Plato believed in innate ideas, suggest that
the brain is the seat of mental processes.
335 BC (384 BC-322 BC)
Aristotle argued that the heart is the seat
of mental processes.
1649 (1596-1650)
Rene Descartes: Pineal glands (small endocrine glands) as a seat of soul. Originated the concept of Dualism, viewed mind & body as interactive machines.
John Locke: Knowledge should be acquired by careful observation.
Franz Gall: Phrenology-shape of a person’s skull reveals mental faculties and traits.
1850 (1809-1882)
Charles Darwin studied the evolution of finches & expands his study to include humans.
Charles Darwin studied the origin of species by means of natural selection.
1869 (1822-1911)
Francis Galton: Hereditary Genius. Proposed that a system of arranged marriages between men of distinction and women of wealth would eventually produce a gifted race.
1879 (1832)
Wilhelm Wundt (father of psychology) Founded first psychology laboratory at
University of Leipzig, Germany (Birth of psychology).
Careful & systematic observations of one’s own conscious experience.
Analyze sensations, images & feelings into their most basic elements. Focus on building blocks/structure of mind. (E.B. Titchener).