Introduction Flashcards
I am a physician assistant
Soy una associado medico
Its nice to meet you
Mucho gusto
I speak a little Spanish so please talk slowly
Hablo un poquito de español así que háblame despacio por favor
What is your name
Como se llama
How old are you
Cuantos anos tiene?
How much do you weigh?
Cuanto pesa?
How tall are you?
Cuanto mide?
Where do you live?
En donde vive?
Married or single?
Casado o soltero?
Where are you?
Donde esta?
What time is it?
Que hora es?
What day is it today?
Que dia es hoy?
What year is it?
Que ano es?
Who is the president?
Quien es el presidente?
Cell phone number?
Numero de telefono celular?
Please come this way
Por favor pase por aqui
Please sit down
Sientese aqui por favor
Please lie down
Por favor acuéstese
Take off your clothes and put on this robe
Quietese la ropa y póngase esta bata
You can leave your pants on
Puede dejarse los pantalones puestos
Do you have any allergies to medication?
Tiene alergias a alguna medicina?
Do you take any medications? Which ones?
Toma medicinas? Cuales?
How long ago did you eat?
Hace cuanto tiempo comio?
When was your last menstrual period?
Cuando fue su ultimo periodo menstrual?
I don’t understand
No entiendo
Please repeat
Repita por favor
More slowly
Mas despacio
Do you need anything else?
Necesita algo mas?
Thank you for your patience
Gracias por su paciencia
Calm down please
Calmese por favor
Excuse me
Con permiso
I am very sorry
Lo siento mucho
Have you ever been hospitalized?
Ha estado hospitalizado alguna vez?
Have you had an operation?
Ha tenido alguna operación?
When was the last time you had something to eat or drink? How many hours?
Cuando fue la ultima vez que comio o bebió algo? Hace cuantas horas?
Have you taken any alcohol, drugs or medication today?
Ha tomado alcohol o drogas ilegales o medicamentos hoy? Cuales?
What were you doing when this began?
Que estaba haciendo cuando esto empezó?
Does anything make the symptoms better or worse?
Hay algo que alivie los síntomas o que los empeore?
Is the pain sharp or spread out?
Es un dolor agudo o extendido?
From one to ten, how much does it hurt?
Del uno al diez, cuanto le duele?
What operations have you had?
Que operaciones ha tenido?
Do you smoke?
Does it hurt?
Le duele?
Where does it hurt?
Donde le duele?
Show me where
Enseneme donde
Point to the pain
Senale donde le duele
Have you had this pain before
Ha tenido este dolor antes?
When did it start?
Cuando empezo?
Pain here?
Duele aqui?
When was your last bowel movement?
Cuando fue la ultima vez que defeco?
Do you drink alcohol?
Toma bebidas alcohólicas?
How much do you drink per day?
Cuanto bebe usted por dia?
Do you take any illegal drugs?
Toma drogas ilegales?
What do you take?
Cuales drogas toma?
How long have you been smoking?
Hace cuanto fuma?
How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Cuantos cigarillos fuma por dia?
How much?
Que tanto?
What brings you here today?
Que le trae aqui hoy?
What brings you in today?
Cual es su motivo/a para venir aqui hoy?
Are you feeling any pain?
Siente algún dolor?
Have you had chills?
Ha tenido escalofríos?
Have you have night sweats?
Ha tenido sudores nocturnos?
Have you experienced any unintended weight loss recently?
Recientemente ha perdido peso de forma involuntaria?