Introduction Flashcards
__________ should be deliberate or intentional and should involve careful, organized and systematic logical thinking and planning.
The person who devises or executes designs.
The primary purpose of design.
The fulfillment of human satisfaction
What are the different goals in design?
- Improvement of function
- Improvement of production method
- Improvement of distribution system
- Design Innovation
This goal in design aspires for more user comfort, simultaneous with efficient function, simplicity of operation and a good physical appearance of the final design.
Improvement of function
A goal in design which will promote an efficient combination of men and machine tending to reduce the production cost.
Improvement of Production
A goal in design that would involve careful and conscious consideration at packing, packaging and distribution problems in design.
Improvement of Distribution System
A goal in design that foresees how the product should work or function and how it should look like in the future.
Design Innovation
_________ means to make something out of nothing. It involves thinking and it is the process of coming up with new ideas.
Familiarity to some _______________ will be helpful in activating and stimulating the creativity of a designer.
Creative problem-solving techniques
What are the two classifications of creative problem-solving techniques?
- Intuitive Techniques
- Logical or Systematic Techniques
A creative problem solving technique that is based on the principle of free association and gives no restriction to imagination. It puts quantity before quality.
Intuitive Technique
Aims at setting off the creative forces by directly approaching the subconscious creative part of the human mind. Creativity is stimulated to set off further associations and develop more ideas. It sets no limit to imagination and purposely suspends reason and logical thinking.
This technique was developed from experience with brainstorming session, aimed at increasing the output from brainstorming.
This is a direct way of having 26 or more ideas that pertain to the problem.
Alphabet Listing
Combines different, seemingly unrelated elements.
Generates new ideas by solving the problem in a riddle-like or puzzle-like technique.
Delphi Method
Instead of thinking about how you can improve a situation, think about how you could make it worse. This process may increase your awareness enough to give yourself some perspective on the problem.
Instead of offering a description of something by recording what you read in the dictionary, associate it with something else, preferably something familiar.
Description by Association
A creative problem solving technique that is based on the principle of splitting up the problem into sub problems and solving them one by one.
Logical or Systematic Technique
This technique redefines the problem first to an underlying more basic problem and then split up into its elements or sub-problems which can be varied independently from each other.
A technique that does not aim at stimulating the creative idea generating process, but systematically examines and analyzes objects of nature for possible adaptation as solution to some technical problems.
Instead of thinking about what an object will look like, think about what function it will perform.
Functional Visualization
A logical approach where a comprehensive problem is split up into more and more minute sub-problems until the whole problem has become a network of interrelated problems.
Problem Area Analysis and Functional Analysis
What are the basic criteria for good design?
- Physiological and Physical Feature
- Historical and Cultural Factor
- Aesthetic Consideration
A criteria for good design that seeks its well-designed furniture to provide utilitarian requirements and bodily comfort.
Physiological and Physical Feature
A criteria for good design wherein the past culture and the present trend is familiarized.
The Historical and Cultural Factor
Making designs visually pleasing as an important factor in creating good design.
Aesthetic Consideration
What are the techniques under the aesthetic consideration?
- Structural Form Development
- Morphological Form Development
- Geometric Form Development
- Form Development based on Nature
- Form Development based from Various Sources
A technique that makes use of the basic outline of the furniture as a grid. By connecting structural points, which are required either by construction or function, variations on form are performed.
Structural Form Development
A technique that makes use of previous designs as basis for improvements. Problem areas are looked into, and a continuous development of small changes is applied to arrive at a more interesting term.
Morphological Form Development
A technique wherein variations of forms - size, shape, color, proportion, mass, number or arrangement can spark new ideas.
Geometric Form Development
A technique wherein nature provides inspiration for fresh and exciting ideas. It offers immense possibilities of new ideas for design.
Form Development based on Nature
A technique where design ideas can be based on various sources other than nature.
Form Development based on Various Sources