Introduction Flashcards
Level of analysis
The direction or level from which the primary cause of events is coming
A statement or hypothesis that explains the primary cause of what is happening for example a struggle for power causes conflict and sometimes war
Causal arrow
A indicator of which perspective or level of analysis influences the other perspectives and levels of analysis more than the reverse
Ideal types
Perspectives or simplified characterizations of theories that emphasize the most important aspects of reality not all of its intricacies and variations
Realist perspective
A perspective that sees the world largely in terms of a struggle for relative power in which strong actors seek to dominate and weak actors speak to resist
Liberal perspective
A perspective that emphasizes repetitive relationships and negotiations establishing patterns or institutions for resolving international conflicts
Identity perspective
A perspective that emphasizes the casual importance of the ideas and identities of the actors which motivates their use of power and negotiations
Critical theory perspective
A perspective that focuses on deep in embedded forces from all perspectives and level of analysis
The formal rules of reason (rationalist) or appropriateness (constructivist) for testing perspectives against facts
Rationalist methods
Methods that disaggregate and explain events sequentially as one event preceding and causing a second event
Constructivist method
Methods that see events as a whole as mutually causing or constituting one another rather then causing one sequentially
Explaining events in terms of one another rather than describing them
A situation in which one fact or event occurs in the same context as another fact or event but is not necessarily linked to or caused it
Exogenous variables
Autonomous factors that come from outside a theoretical model for system and that cannot be explained by the system
Endogenous variables
Casual variables that are included in a theoretical model or framework