Introduction Flashcards
Who coined the term biotechnology?
Karl ereky 1917
Define animal biotechnology?
It includes manipulation of genome of animals to produce more milk,meat and wool amd other desirable characterstics,improved utilisation of animal feed,embryo transfer,developing vaccines etc.
Define health care biotechnology?
It involves dev. of genetically engineering vaccines,early disease diagnostic kits,gene profiling,dev. of newer antibiotics,production of artificial skin and organs and stem cells etc.
Define agriculture biotechnology?
It has contributed in dev. of crops and fruit varieties with higher yeild,great resistance to disease and stress and higher nutritional value, increasing efficiency of nitrogen fixation in plants and vaccine production from plants.
Define Industrial biotechnology?
It has wide range of applications such as production of antibiotics,extraction of metals by microbial methods,enrichment of ores etc.t
It plays a vital role in food processing and beverage industries.
Define aquaculture and marine biotechnology?
It is helpful in transgenic fish prodution,bioremediation,conversation,sea weeds culture. Etc.
Define environmental biotechnology?
It helps in biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds,bio mining,restoration of denuded areas,bio-sensors,processing of wstes,composting,anaerobic processing etc.
Name branches of biotechnology?
Blue biotechnology
Red biotechnology
Green biotechnology
White biotechnology
Define blue biotechnology?
It is used to refer application of biotechnology in ampnimal,marine and aquatic improvements.
Define red biotechnology?
It is used for medical processes ,like finding genetic cures by manipulatin genome and creating organisms for production of antibiotics.
Define green biotechnology?
It is used to refer agriculture processes tht use biotechnology for better production such as development of transgenic plants that are produced to survive under specific environmental conditions, developing disease resistant transgenic plants
Define white biotechnology?
It is used to refer industrial biotechnology. It is used to develop an organism that could able to produce certain useful chemicals by natural processes rather then using the industrial way to produce it..
Define animal biotechnology?
It is the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing or production of material by animals to provide goods Nd services to human kind.
Give some examples of animal biotechnology?
It includes-
~Generation of transgenic animals
~using knockout tech,to generate aniamls in which a specific gene has been inactivated
~ production of nearly identical animals by somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Give objectives of animal biotechnology.
1- identification and characterization of animal breeds
2- developing DNA- based diagnostics and genetically engineered vaccines for animals
3- stdying animal genomics n its varied applications
4- dev. embryo- transfer technology,cloning,transgenic animals
5-DNA forensics,molecular diagnostic,cloning wildlife conservation,stem cell research