Introduction Flashcards
Psalms 1 and 2
What is the Book of Psalms?
A collection of 150 ancient Hebrew poems, songs, and prayers.
How many poems are in the Book of Psalms?
From which historical periods do the poems in Psalms originate?
All different periods in Israel’s history.
How many poems in Psalms are connected with King David?
What was King David known for?
Being a poet and a harp player.
Are all the poems in Psalms written by King David?
No, there are many different authors.
Name some of the other authors of Psalms.
Asaph, the sons of Korah, Solomon, Moses, and other worship leaders in the temple.
What portion of the Psalms are anonymous?
Nearly one-third.
What were many of the poems in the Book of Psalms used for?
They were used by the choirs that sang in Israel’s temple.
Is the Book of Psalms a hymn book?
When were the ancient poems in the Book of Psalms gathered and arranged?
They were gathered and arranged after Israel’s exile to Babylon.
How were the poems in the Book of Psalms arranged?
They were intentionally arranged into the Book of Psalms.
What is unique about the design and message of the Book of Psalms?
The unique design and message can only be noticed when reading it from beginning to end.
Where does the Book of Psalms conclude?
The Book of Psalms concludes with five poems of praise to the God of Israel.
What word begins and ends each of the last five poems in Psalms?
The word “hallelujah,” which is Hebrew for a command to praise “Yah,” short for Yahweh.