Book 5 Flashcards
Psalms 107-145
How does Book Five of the Book of Psalms open?
With a series of poems affirming that God hears His people’s cries and will send the future king to defeat evil and bring God’s kingdom.
What are the two larger collections in Book Five called?
The “hallel” and “the songs of ascent.”
How do the “hallel” and “songs of ascent” collections conclude?
With a poem about the future Messianic Kingdom.
What hope do the two collections in Book Five sustain?
The hope for a future exodus-like act of God to redeem His people.
What is special about Psalm 119 in Book Five?
It is the longest poem in the book, an alphabet poem, with each line beginning with a new letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
What does Psalm 119 explore?
The wonder and gift of the Torah as God’s Word to His people.
How are the themes of Psalms 1 and 2 reflected in Book Five?
They combine the themes of Torah (Psalm 1) and Messiah (Psalm 2) throughout the book.