Introduction Flashcards
6 bullet points in introduction
Pikes capital rationing definition
Result (npv)
Modern finance theory expects
Pikes npv definition
Capital scarce internal and external
Essay outlines
Pikes capital rationing definition
The process of allocating capital to projects where there is insufficient capital to fund all value creating projects
Results (npv)
This results in the selection of only a subset of possible investment projects, even if others could yield a positive Net Present Value (NPV).
Modern finance theory expects
According to modern finance theory, firms are expected to accept all positive NPV projects, as these contribute to shareholder wealth maximisation
Pikes NPV definition
NPV is defined as the present value of the future net benefits less the initial cost (Pike 2018)
Capital scarce - internal external
However in practice capital is often scarce due to both internal and external factors, which forces firms to make selective investment decisions.
Essay outlines
This essay outlines the concept of capital rationing and critically evaluates the reasons firms often pass up positive NPV projects