Introduction Flashcards
Define sedentary societies
societies that had more complex divisions of labour. Less community and group solidarity
Define Modernity
The social, economic, and political developments that unfolded, largely in Europe and North America, from the enlightenment to the mid-twentieth century
What was Ibn Khaldun’s cyclical theory of history>
Argues that society grows and collapses in a four-generation cycle.
What are the 8 social forces in the development of sociological theory?
Rise of socialism, colonialism, industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism, political revolutions, feminism, urbanization, religious change, and the growth of science
What is the enlightenment?
A period of intellectual development and change in philosophical thought.
Belief that people could comprehend and control the universe by a means of reason and empirical research
Goal of a “better” more rational world
What was the conservative reaction to the enlightenment?
Emphasis on social order and strength of religion
Saw the French Revolution as a product of Enlightenment thinking
Regarded tradition, imagination, emotionalism, and religion as useful and necessary components of social life.
What were Comte’s main contributions to sociology?
French sociologist
“social physics”
Developed positivism
Law of 3 stages
intellectual disorder is the cause of social disorder
What is the law of 3 stages?
- Theological (<1300) - Supernatural powers and religious figures
- Metaphysical (1300 - 1800) - belief that abstract forces like “nature” rather than personal gods explain virtually everything
- Positivistic (1800+) - belief in science, emphasis on absolute causes and concentrated instead on obervation of the social and physical world
Who was Hegel? What were his main contributions to sociology?
German social theorist
The dialectic - a way of thinking or an image of the world
idealism - emphasizes the importance of the mind and mental products rather than the material world.
Who was Feuerbach? What were his main contributions to sociology?
German sociologist
Materialism: real people, not abstract ideas, are defined; focused on religion, argued the need to focus on the material reality of real human beings
Who was Simmel? What were his main contributions to sociological theory?
Symbolic interactionism
Human action is an expression of ever-changing, dynamic life forces.
What is Ameliorism?
A desire to solve social problems by reforming individuals
“blaming the victim”
Who was Spencer? What were his main contributions to sociological theory
British sociologist
Felt that the state should not intervene in individual affairs except in the rather passive function of protecting people
Militant societies: defined by being structured for offensive and defensive warfare
Industrial societies: Based on friendship, altruism, elaborative specialization, recognition for achievements rather than characteristics one is born with
Who was Martineau? What were her contributions to sociology?
Relationship between economics, politics, and social morality
Morality: a set of values that members of the society hold in common
Manners: concrete behaviours and practices of everyday life
Anomaly: when a manner does not align with morality.
What were the main sociological views on non-european sociologists?
The West is the source of reason and progress and the East is is a “mystical and spiritual” place
Colonialism and the impacts of it
What was Marx’ reaction to Hegel?
Accepted Hegel’s focus on the dialectic
Argued that the dialectic could be applied to material aspects of life
What was Marx’ reaction to Feuerbach?
Accepted the concept of materialism
Argued that a dialectic orientation to the material aspects of like is needed as Feuerbach didn’t approach it in a dialectical way
What is dialectical materialism?
The dialectical relationships within the physical world
E.g. Capitalist class vs. Working class
What is political economy?
The study of the relationship between the political and economic aspects of society
What did Marx write about the political economy?
Challenged conservative political economy, and criticized their acceptance of capitalism. Advanced his own alternative and critical political economic analysis of capitalism.
What was Weber’s reaction to Marx?
Marx viewed social inequality in terms of class; Weber argued that it is not broad enough and needs to encompass other types of inequality
Built off of his perception of class, capitalism, and other issues.
Define Modernity
The social, economic, and political developments that unfolded, largely in Europe and North America, from the enlightenment to the mid-twentieth century
What was Ibh Kaldun’s main studies?
Analyzed the forms of social organization that emerged out of the relationship between tribal, largely nomadic, desert societies and urban or sedentary society
Define nomadic societies
Societies that had a relatively simple social organization, were based on strong kinship ties, and gave rise to brave fighters
What is Asibayya?
Social solidarity and group feeling, the bond that holds groups together
How did political revolutions affect sociological theory?
the sociological highlight of the negative effects of PR, particularly displayed in chaos and disorder
What is the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism?
Agricultural system -> industrial system
What is colonialism? how did it affect sociological theory?
“Refers to the direct political control of a society and its people by a reign ruling state”
Shaped European identity, social Darwinism
How did the rise of capitalism affect sociological theory?
Marx was a major supporter of the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement of a socialist system.
What is urbanization? How did it affect sociological theory?
Rural living -> urban living.
Developed problems like overcrowding, pollution, noise, and traffic.
How did the growth of science affect sociological theory?
Because of the rise of scientific theory and evidence, sociologists wanted to model sociology after successful physical and biological sciences.
What are the 2 intellectual forces?
The enlightenment and the conservative reaction to the enlightenment
Who was Weber? what were his main contributions to sociological theory?
Ideas are simply the reflections of material interests, and material interests determine ideology
Theory of rationalization - formal rationality involves a concern for the actor making choices of means and ends.