Introduction Flashcards
when does christian history begin
the life and death of jesus christ and continues with the formation of the early christian church, emperor constantine’s holy roman empire and the great schism into eastern and western christianity
where did christianity originate about 200 years ago
christianity originated in Judea (present-day Israel) about 2000 years ago
who ruled over Judea during the early years of christianity, and how was this rule perceived by the jews
the emperor of rome ruled over judea during the early years of christianity. the jews at the time perceived roman rule as another reminder of the oppression they had faced
what was the religious belief roman’s had at the time
the roman’s had a polytheistic belief
who played a crucial role in ensuring the impact of jesus christs work on the world
the missionary work of paul played a crucial role in ensuring the impact of jesus’s work on the world
what was paul’s role before the conversion and how did it change afterward
before his conversion paul known as saul was violently opposed to the christian faith. After his dramatic conversion, he become a key figure in preaching the christian gospel
describe the damascus road conversion and its significance
the damascus road conversion refers to saul’s dramatic transformation into paul, filled with the holy spirit and immediately beginning to preach the christian gospel
how did the holy spirit influence paul’s actions
the holy spirit filled paul after conversion influencing him to passionately preach the christian gospel and contribute significantly to the early christian church
what tension arose among jews regarding jesus as the messiah
tension arose between jews who believed that jesus was the messiah and those who didn’t
why did issues arise as christianity attracted more gentile converts
issues arose as more gentilies (non jews) converted to christianity, and there was a lack of understanding regarding the law of moses which consisted of 613 rules found of torah
what was the stance of christianity with a jewish background regarding gentile converts and law of moses
christianity of jewish background insisted that gentile converts were not obligated to keep most of the mosaic law, including rules concerning circumcision and dietary laws (by the council of Jerusalem)
why was the council of jerusalem convened 49 ce
the council of jerusalem was concerned in 49 ce to address the growing tension regarding whether gentile converts to christianity were obligated to follow mosaic law
what was the main issue discussed by the council
weather gentile converts to christianity were obligated to keep most of the mosaic law
why were the christian’s persecuted in rome and how did they respond
refusal to worship the emperor, accusations of cannibalism; roman’s reacted with brutal methods. Christian growth persisted through martyrdom
what was prompted by constantine’s conversion, and what major decisions did he make
victory attribution to christian god led to his conversion; he declared christianity as romes official religion and covebed the first council of nicea
what did constantine achieve with the edict of milan
removal laws for forbidding christian practices granting legal recognition
what resulted from the council of chalcedon
it birthed the nicene creed, foundational statement of christian beliefs