Introduction Flashcards
Application of the principles of animal genetics with the goal of improvement of animals
Animal breeding
Aimed at the improvement of animals by changing their genetic abilities for important traits
Animal breeding
Definition of animal breeding
- application of the principles of animal genetics with the goal of improvement of animals
- aimed at the improvement of animals by changing their genetic abilities for important traits
- science that incorporates genetics, reproductive, physiology, statistics, computer science, and animal husbandry in a highly interactive fashion to maximize genetic improvement
keyword: genetic improvement
forms the backbone of modern animal breeding
quantitative and statistical genetics
study of principles of inheritance and variation in farm animals
animal genetics
What is animal genetics?
study of principles of inheritance and variation in farm animals
keyword: inheritance and variation
if there is no _______, there is no room for _______ and __________
selection and genetic improvement
True or False:
Animal breeding is slow and permanent
True or False:
Animal breeding is a holistic approach
False, animal breeding is a wholistic approach
Animal breeding is a wholistic approach between what fields?
- quantitative genetics
- statistics
- reproductive biology
- animal husbandry
- computer science
- molecular genetics
study of characteristics which are not affected by the action of just a few major genes
bonus: what are these characteristics?
quantitative genetics
bonus: economical(ly important) traits
study if the molecular structure and function of genes
molecular genetics
If animals cannot reproduce, then there is ________
bonus: explain yor answer
genetic dead-end
bonus: genes of animals cannot improve hence, a dead-end
is breeding the same as reproduction? If yes, why? If no, then what are they?
no, they are complementary
What is the main goal of animal breeding?
to make the best use of available records to select and develop individuals or breeds of animals which possess the correct genetic makeup for a particular form and function
Enumerate the activities of animal breeding
- determine the percentage of differences (variation) among animals due to genetics
- develop and use statistics for predicting breeding value for ranking animals
- measure and predict genetic progress (genetic improvement) resulting from different breeding programs
- organize a testing and recording program (or system) to assist in making rapid genetic progress
- provide the results to the industry to service their needs
The modern understanding of the principles of genetic improvement could have begun with the publication of _____________ by ___________ in year ____________.
“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin in 1859
What was established in 1721, 1822, and 1874?
bonus: what is it?
Herdbook registeries
In England:
- (1721) horses
- (1822) cattle
- (1874) pigs
bonus: herdbook initially contains animal performance and eventually pedigree on paper
paved the way for the formation of breeds at a time when the common topic for debate is what is the true definition of the term “breed”
Who is Gregor Mendel?
an austrian monk and showed that breeding works on garden peas through his work “Law of Particulate Inheritance” published in 1865
What is Gregor Mendel’s work and when was it published?
Law of Particulate Inheritance in 1865
Who rediscovered the work of Mendel and when?
bonus: what are they?
Hugo de Vries, Carl E. Correns, and Erich von Tschermak in 1901
bonus: they are botanists
True or False:
The concept of inheritance is still not accepted during 1901
False, the concept of inheritance is starting to be accepted in 1901 (de Vries, Correns, and von Tschermak rediscovery of Mendel’s book)
he discovered that inheritance is also applied to animals using chickens
bonus: what year
William Bateson
bonus: 1906
coined the term gene, genotype, and phenotype
Wilhelm Johannsen
they discovered the chemical structure and function of the gene
bonus: what year?
James Watson and Francis Crick
bonus: 1956
father of animal breeding
Sir Robert Blakewell
he mated related animals with similar traits to fix certain characteristics in animals; pioneered recording of animal performance in developing in the Shire breed of horses, old Longhorn cattle, and Leicester sheep in 18th century
Sir Robert Blakewell
father of modern animal breeding
Dr. Jay Laurence Lush
established the foundation of modern methods of estimating breeding values in 1930
Dr. Jay Laurence Lush
Gregor Mendel
an austrian monk and showed that breeding works on garden peas through his work “Law of Particulate Inheritance” published in 1865
Hugo de Vries, Carl E. Correns, and Erich von Tschermak
rediscovered the work of Gregor Mendel in 1901
William Bateson
discovered that inheritance is also applicable to animals using chickens in 1906
James Watson and Francis Crick
discovered the chemical structure and function of genes in 1956
Compare Robert Blakewell and Jay Lush
Sir Robert Blakewell
- 1725-1795
- father of animal breeding
- pioneered recording of animal performance
- introduced the method of evaluating performance of progenies and used that information to select the best father of the future progeny
- “like begets like”, “superior parents are more likely to produce superior offspring”, so “breed the best of the best”
Dr. Jay Laurence Lush
- 1896-1982
- father of modern animal breeding
- established the foundation of modern methods of estimating breeding values in 1930
- “breed the best of the best, but still hope for the best”
Wilhelm Johannsen
coined the term gene, genotype, phenotype
contributes a substantial portion of overall improvement in the livestock industry
genetic improvement
UP College of Agriculture Contributions in Animal Breeding and from what years?
bonus: under the leadership of?
1920s to 1940s
- Philamin cattle
- Berkjala pigs
- Los Banos - Cantonese chickens
all of these breeds are now extinct
bonus: Dr. Bienvenido Maria Sioco, first Filipino dean of UPCA and form president of UP
philippine native, amican hereford, and indian nellore
clue: cattles
Philamin cattle
native pigs, jala-jala, rizal, and berkshire
bonus: pig
berkjala pigs
cantonese and los banos chickens
Los Banos - Cantonese chickens
Filipino Animal Breeders and their contributions
- Dr. Cecilio R. Arboleda
- successful in interspecific cross between Mallard and Muscovy ducks; “bitik” and “tikbi” [difference: father first] - Dr. Angel L. Lambio
-Mule ducks from three way cross of three breeds of ducks - Dr. Orville L. Bondoc
- design of animal breeding strategies
- livestock genetic evaluation - Dr. Rene C. Santiago
- Bureau of animal industry
- Itik Pinas