Introduction Flashcards
The continued growth of plants and animals depends on the maintenance of the balance between producers and consumers
Hence, the growth of an animal population could introduce an imbalance in the ecosystem that could deplete ________________.
plants produce __________ via photosynthetic activity
carbohydrates [energy]
plants produce protein food via _______________
nitrogen fixation
True or False:
Animals return the exact amount of nutrients they obtained from plants back to the soil, then eventually back to the plants
False, animals return part of the nutrients back to plants but with less energy due to energy dissipation
True or False:
Animals are relatively inefficient in the production of food
True, but they still play an important role in food production
Role of animals in food production
consume biomass waste and food processing by-products and convert them into highly concentrated protein food that humans can consume
What is the fastest growing sub-sector in agriculture in the world?
livestock and poultry
Demand for livestock and poultry will double in sub Saharan and Asian countries in the future
- rapidly increasing income
- urbanization
- population growth
- trade liberalization
What is the significance of studying animal science?
In animal science, the challenge is to meet the demand of the human population for food and other essential products from animals which is safe and of good quality in the most economical and efficient system of prodution without endangering our environment
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
the organic matter that results from living or from recently living organisms that can be used as fuel
Clue: [In the context of animal science] considering a single rice plant, the entire plant is considered this but only a small part is considered edible for humans while the rest are highly cellulosic straws which can only be consumed as feed for animals like cattle and carabaos
any mammal of the suborder Ruminantia; most of these mammals have a four-chambered stomach and two-toed feet and the upper incisors are reduced or sometimes absent
Clue: examples include giraffe, deer, cattle, sheep, goat, and carabao
the removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations
trade liberalization
________ directly or indirectly consume plants for their energy, growth, and reproduction
animals that feed only on plants
animals that feed only on other animals
animals that feed on both plants and animals
Clue: e.g. man
True or False:
Animals can be a source of food energy for man
True, but due to the dissipation of energy in the process of conversion of plants and other feedstuff into products, animals are poor producers of food
when animals are produced in a pastoral sytsem and the regrowth of vegetation is left entirely to nature, the land could easily be ____________ as vegetation is not given the opportunity to recover its normal growth
Clue: in many parts of the world, what used to be areas of lush vegetation have become deserts
a form of animal husbandry where livestock are released onto pastures for grazing
Bonus: what does livestock, pastures, and grazing means?
pastoralism; pastoral system
livestock - domesticated animals
pastures - vegetated outdoor lands
grazing - (of an animal) eating grass in a field
types of animals that could feed on biomass waste and food processing by-products
Aside from food, what can domestic animals provide?
- materials
- animal power
- man’s amusement and companionship
True or False:
Food from plants may contain protein
True, but their chemical composition is quite different from that of man
Possible uses for mammals
- traction
- transport
- meat
- milk
- hair (wool)
- skin/hide
- amusement and companionship
Possible uses for birds
- meat
- eggs
- amusement and companionship
True or False
Meat production has declined rapidly over the past 50 years
False, meat production has increased rapidly
Regionally, who is the largest meat producer?
True or False:
In the Philippines, the livestock industry at the present principally produces carabao, cattle, hogs, and chicken
Other livestock species like goats and ducks are not raised in the Philippines that’s why it does not contribute sigificantly to the protein supply of the country
False, goats and ducks and other livestock species are being raised in all parts of the Philippines but does not contribute significantly to the protein supply of the country
Total domestic production:
______ 47%
______ 42%
______ 8%
a. cattle
b. hogs
c. carabao
d. chickens
47% hogs
42% chickens
8% carabao and cattles
Multiple Choice:
Hogs and chicken production system depend heavily on _______ and mostly located ________.
a. commercially mixed feeds
b. grass and roughages
a. close to urban centers
b. in smallholder farms in rural areas
a & a
_________ subsist mainly on grassed and roughages and are mainly raised by small holder farmers in rural areas
chicken, cattles, carabaos, hogs, goats?
cattles, carabaos, and goats
the science which studies the functions of the living organisms and its parts, the physical and chemical factors, and processes involved
what is physiology studying?
Clue: breakdown the definition of physiology
- function of the living organisms and its parts (how cells, tissues, and organs function)
- the physical and chemical factors
- processes involved
*4. the care of the body
the maintenance of static or constant conditions in the internal environment
the father of physiology
Claude Bernard
a property of either an open or a closed system [in the subject’s context: a living organism (closed)] that regulates its internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant conditon
definition of homeostasis
two possible answers:
- the maintenance of static or constant conditions in the internal environment
- a property of either an open system or a closed system [e.g. living organism] that regulates its internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition
there is a coordination of all the cells of the body, thus the different organ systems and their functions, working together like parts of a machine to achieve _____________
homeostasis came from Greek words [homos] and [istemi]
What does these words mean?
bonus: What is the rough english translation of homeostasis from [homos] and [istemi]?
[homos] “equal”; [istemi] “to stand”
to stand equally
Who coined the term “homeostasis”?
Walter Bradford Cannon