Introduction Flashcards
set of features (signs, symptoms, morphological and functional manifestations)
Systematic description
epidemiology, cause, pathogenesis (disease mechanism), symptoms, manifestations, complications and sequelae, prognosis, mortality
Prefixes (hyper, meta, hypo, etc)
Suffixes (itis, oma, oid, etc)
Eponyms: Crohn’s disease
Diagnoses based on
Histology (biopsy, resection, frozen section)
Cytology (fine needle aspirations (lymph node), brushes (biliary tract), fluids (ascitis, pleural fluid), smears (uterine cervix), urine, liquor)
Additional: obtain as much info as possible from cells and tissues (molecular diagnosistics)
Little boxes to store preparations
Tissue fixation (formalin), dehydration, embedding, paraffin blocks, cutting, slice, (H&E sections), evaluation