5. Diseases of the Immune System, Neoplasia Flashcards
Cells, tissues, receptors and mediates of normal immune response
Natural killer (NK) cells
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs)
CD4+ helper T cells
CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Immune response
- The cells of the immune system are organized in tissues, some of which are the sites of production of mature lymphocytes (the generative lymphoid organs), the bone marrow, and thymus), and others are the sites of immune responses (the peripheral lymphoid organs, including lymph nodes, spleen, and mucosal lymphoid tissues).
- The early reaction to microbes is mediated by the innate immune system, which is ready to respond to microbes. Components of the innate immune system include epithelial barriers, phagocytes, NK cells, and plasma proteins, for example, of the complement system. Innate immune reactions are often manifested as inflammation. Innate immunity, unlike adaptive immunity, does not have fine antigen specificity or memory.
- The defense reactions of adaptive immunity develop slowly, but are more potent and specialized.
- Microbes and other foreign antigens are captured by DCs and transported to lymph nodes, where antigens are recognized by naive lymphocytes. The lymphocytes are activated to proliferate and differentiate into effector and memory cells.
- Cell-mediated immunity is the reaction of T lymphocytes, designed to combat cell-associated microbes (e.g., phagocytosed microbes and microbes in the cytoplasm of infected cells). Humoral immunity is mediated by antibodies and is effective against extracellular microbes (in the circulation and mucosal lumens).
- Lymphocytes are the mediators of adaptive immunity and the only cells that produce specific and diverse receptors for antigens.
- T (thymus-derived) lymphocytes express antigen receptors called T-cell receptors (TCRs) that recognize peptide fragments of protein antigens that are displaced by MHC molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells.
- B (bone marrow-derived) lymphocytes express membrane-bound antibodies that recognize a wide variety of antigens. B cells are activated to become plasma cells, which secrete antibodies.
NK cells and APCs
- Natural killer (NK) cells kill cells that are infected by some microbes, or are stressed and damaged beyond repair. NK cells express inhibitory receptors that recognize MHC molecules that are normally expressed on healthy cells, and are thus prevented from killing normal cells.
- Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) capture microbes and other antigens, transport them to lymphoid organs, and display them for recognition by lymphocytes. The most efficient APCs are DCs, which live in epithelia and most tissues.
CD4+ and CD8+
- CD4+ helper T cells help B cells to make antibodies, activate macrophages to destroy ingested microbes, stimulate recruitment of leukocytes, and regulate all immune responses to protein antigens. The functions of CD4+ T cells are mediated by secreted proteins called cytokines.
- CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes kill cells that express antigens in the cytoplasm that are seen as foreign (e.g., virus-infected and tumor cells) and can also produce cytokines.
Secreted by plasma cells neutralize microbes and block their infectivity, and promote phagocytosis and destruction of pathogens. Antibodies also confer passive immunity to neonates
Immediate (type I) sensitivity
- Immediate (type I) sensitivity is also called an allergic reaction, or allergy.
- Type 1 hypersensitivity is induced by environmental antigens (allergens) that stimulate strong T(H)2 responses and IgE production in genetically susceptible individuals.
- IgE coasts mast cells by binding to the FceRI receptor; reexposure to the allergen leads to cross-linking of the IgE and FceRI, activation of mast cells, and release of mediators.
- Principle mediators are histamine, proteases, and other granule contents; prostaglandins and leukotrienes; and cytokines.
- Mediators are responsible for the immediate vascular and smooth muscle reactions and the late-phase reaction (inflammation).
- The clinical manifestations may be local or systemic, and range form mildly annoying rhinitis to fatal anaphylaxis.
Pathogenesis of diseases caused by antibodies and immune complexes
- Antibodies can coat (opsonize) cells, with or without complement proteins, and target these cells for phagocytosis by phagocytes (macrophages), which express receptors for the Fc tails and IgG and for complement proteins. The result is depletion of the opsonized cells.
- Antibodies and immune complexes may deposit in tissues or blood vessels, and elicit an acute inflammatory reaction by activating complement, with release of breakdown products, or by engaging Fc receptors of leukocytes. The inflammatory reaction causes tissue injury.
- Antibodies can bind to cell surface receptors or other essential molecules and cause functional derangements (either inhibition or unregulated activation) without cell injury.
Mechanisms of T cell mediated hypersensitivity reactions
- Cytokine-mediated inflammation: CD4+ T cells are activated by exposure to a protein antigen and differentiate into T(H)1 and T(H)17 effector cells. Subsequent exposure to the antigen results in the secretion of cytokines. IFN-y activates macrophages to produce substances that cause tissue damage and promote fibrosis, and IL-17 and other cytokines recruit leukocytes, thus promoting inflammation.
- The classical T cell-mediated inflammatory reaction is delayed-type hypersensitivity. chronic T(H)1 reactions associated with macrophage activation often lead to granuloma formation.
- T cell-mediated cytotoxicity: CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific for an antigen recognize cells expressing the target antigen and kill these cells. CD8+ T cells also secrete IFN-y.
Immunologic tolerance and immunity
- Tolerance (unresponsiveness) to self antigens is a fundamental property of the immune system, and breakdown of tolerance is the basis of autoimmune diseases.
- Central tolerance: immature T and B lymphocytes that recognize self antigens in the central (generative) lymphoid organs are killed by apoptosis; in the B-cell lineage, some of the self-reactive lymphocytes switch to new antigen receptors that are not self-reactive.
- Peripheral tolerance: mature lymphocytes that recognize self antigens in peripheral tissues to become functionally inactive (anergic), are suppressed by regulatory T lymphocytes, or die by apoptosis.
Factors that lead to a failure of self-tolerance and the development of autoimmunity
- inheritance of susceptibility genes that disrupt different tolerance pathways, and
- infections and tissue injury that expose self antigens and activate APCs and lymphocytes in the tissues.
Systemic lupus erythematosus
- systemic autoimmune disease caused by autoantibodies produced against self antigens and the formation of immune complexes.
- The major autoantibodies, and the ones responsible for the formation of circulating immune complexes, are directed against nuclear antigens. Other autoantibodies react with red blood cells, platelets, and phospholipid-proteins complexes.
- Disease manifestations include nephritis, skin lesions, and arthritis (caused by the deposition of immune complexes), hematologic abnormalities (caused by antibodies against red cells, white cells and platelets) and neurologic abnormalities (caused by obscure mechanisms).
- The cause of the breakdown in self-tolerance is unknown; possibilities include excessive generation or persistence of nuclear antigens, in individuals with inherited susceptibility genes, and environmental triggers (e.g., UV irradiation, which results in cellular apoptosis and release of nuclear antigens).
Sjorgen syndrome
- Sjogren syndrome is an inflammatory disease that primarily affects the salivary and lacrimal glands, causing dryness of the mouth and eyes.
- The disease is believed to be caused by an autoimmune T-cell reaction against an unknown self-antigen expressed in these glands, or immune reactions against the antigens of a virus that infects the tissues.
Systemic sclerosis
- Systemic sclerosis (commonly called scleroderma) is characterized by progressive fibrosis involving the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and other tissues.
- Fibrosis may be the result of activation of fibroblasts by cytokines produced by T cells, but what triggers T cell responses is unknown.
- Endothelial injury and microvascular disease are commonly present in the lesions of systemic sclerosis, perhaps causing chronic ischemia, but the pathogenesis of vascular injury is not known.
Recognition and rejection of transplants
- Rejection of solid organ transplants is initiated mainly by host T cells that recognize the foreign HLA antigens of the graft, either directly (on APCs in the graft) or directly (after uptake and presentation by host APCs).
- Treatment of graft rejection relies on immunosuppressive drugs, which inhibit immune responses against the graft.
- Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) requires careful matching of donor and recipient and is often complicated by graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) and immune deficiency.