Introduccion al pasado perfecto Flashcards
Leonard habia viajado a CIudad de mexico varias veces antes de mudarse alli
Leonard had traveled to Mexico CIty several times before he moved there
Antes de darme cuenta de que algo estaba mal, ya habia transferido mucho dinero
Before I notice something was wrong, I had transferred a lot of money
No ingrese dinero porque me lo habia gastado todo una hora antes
I didn’t deposit any money because I had spent all of it an hour earlier
No habia pagado mis facturas, asi que me cortaron la electricidad
I hadn’t paid my utility bills so they cut off my electricity
¿DOnde habia vivido Pablo antes de conocerte?
Where had Pablo lived before he met you?
Para cuando abrimos una cuenta conjunta, habiamos vivido juntos durante ocho años
By the time we opened a joint account, we had lived together for eight years
Ella habia ignorado nuestrro presupuesto todo el año
She’d ignored our budget all year
Wendy habia logrado su primer millor para cuando tenia 20 años
Wendy had made her first million by the time she was 20
Mateo no sabia nada de la factura hasta que se lo dije
Mateo hadn’t known about the bill until I told him
¿Habia hablado Nacho de eso antes de irse?
Had Nacho talked about it before he left?
Martin habia ahorrado para un anticipo antes de comprar la casa
Martin had saved for a down payment before he purchased the house
Yo habia pagado la factura antes de que el recordatorio de pago llegara
I’d paid the bill before the payment reminder came through
NO habia pensado que Maurice fuera tacaño antes de eso
I hadn’t considered Maurice a stingy person before that
¿Por que ella habia alterado los pagos pendientes?
Why had she altered the pending payments?
- ¿Habias utilizado el pago sin contacto antes de tu viaje?
- No, no lo habia probado antes.
-¿Fue facil de usar? - Si, ¿Y sabes que? El servicio no habia estado disponible hasta el dia en que llegamos alli, asi que tuvimos suerte.
- Had you ever used contactless payment before your trip?
- No, I hadn’t tried it before.
- Was it easy to use?
- Yes! And guess what? The service had been unavailable until the day we got there, so we got lucky.