Intro to Sociology Exam 3 Flashcards
Social Stratification
A stystem where categories of people are ranked in a hierarchy.
4 Major Characteristics of Social Stratification
- Society (Pre-established)
- Universal & Variable (Everywhere)
- Persists over generations (Children same as parents)
- Supported by patterns and beliefs
Social Mobility
Changes in the social position within the system’s social stratification.
Closed System has No Social mobility
Caste (ascribed status)
Open systm has mobility
(Class) Individual achievement
4 Causes of Social Inequality
- Economic Resources & Power (Money)
- Occupational Prestige - White Collar & Blue Collar
- Formal Education
- Ascription - Ancestry, Race, Sex, Religion WASP
Status Inconsistency
Different identites in different categories
Racial Groups
(Biological) Group classified by obvious physical differences.
Ethnic Groups
(Cuiltural) Set apart from other groups because of either national origin or disctintive cultural patterns
Minority Groups
Socially disadvantaged group (Lack of Power)
5 Characteristics of minority groups
- Distinguishing physical or cultural trait.
- Involuntary Membership
- In-group marriage
- Awareness of Subordination
- Unequal Treatment
(Action or Behavior) Unequal treatment of a category of people.
(Attitude) An unfounded attitude to a category of people.
5 Causes of Prejudice & Discrimination
1 Exploitation Theory (Self-Justification)
- Scapegoating Theory (Frustration)
- Authoriatrian Personality
- Competition (Especially Economic Competition)
- Cultural Transmission Theory (Socialization)
Exploitation Theory
Prejudie is often used to justify keeping a group in a subordinate position (taking countries)