Intro to Sociology Exam 2 Flashcards
Why are children who have been raised in isolation considered not to be human beings by many social scientists?
They have been deprived of social interation
Facial expressions are an example of…?
Non-verbal communication
One’s position in a social group is called one’s…?
Which is an ascribed status…?
Cop or a friend
Role Conflict
A set of expected behavior patterns, obligations and privileges attached to a particular social status is a…?
Making the values of the group part of your own personality is called…?
An already socialized individual who decides to learn a specific activity is experiencing…?
Secondary socialization
Which is an agent of socialization
Family, Friends, Media (All of the Above)
of all our statuses, one is usually more important to us than the others. This is referred to as our…?
Master Status
Which agent of socialization has the most constant influence over an individual’s life, through the individual’s lifetime?
Viewing social situation s as though they are theatrical performances is known as…?
Learning to view ourselves as others view us is the basic premise of…?
Cooley’s Looking-Glass Self
George Herbert Mead Theory
Social deviance is…?
Violation of the cultural norms of a group or all of society
Individuals do not become human beings unless they…?
interact with other people
People born on the Fourth of July…
A category
Three students study, eat lunch, discuss are an example of…?
A social group
The most important factor for determining whether a collection of people is a social group is…?
Symbolic Interaction
Goal-oriented, impersonal, usually large, are characteristics of a…?
Secondary group
Which is NOT an example of a primary group?
Trade union
Research findings indicate that…?
Anyone can become a leader depending upon the needs of the group.
The mother who offers sympathy shows what leadership role?
The type of person who becomes a leader in a social group has a lot to do with…?
The particular characteristics and needs of the group itself.
As a member of the Boston Red Soc, Dustin Pedroia would consider the New York Yankees as…?
An outgroup
Sociologically speaking, a woman who wanted a career in the 1920’s was considered deviant, but not today, because…?
Our culture’s norms have changed over time
Research on conformity has shown that…?
People feel pressure to conform even when they’re with people they don’t know
Which is NOT an example of social deviance?
A high school education
Sociologists feel that deviance is…?
A product of society
Since deviance is related to patterns of social power, who is more likely to be defined as deviant by society?
A homeless person
When people stifle their opinions…
According to Labeling Theory, violation of cultural norms or laws is not enough to be considered deviant. The violator must also…?
Be defined as deviant by others
Primary groups are…?
based on loyalty and emotional bonds
A condition that does not satisfy a group of people being considered a social group.
Members showing genuine affection for one another
When a leader includes group members in the decision making process, he or she is employing which leadership style?
By acting a certain way so that people will perceive us the way we want them to perceive us, we are employing…?
Impression managment
When we shape our behavior in a way that we think a particular group would consider acceptable, we are using that group as a…?
Reference group
The two smallest groups are called…?
Dyads and triads
Mental Illness is considered a form of deviance because…?
It violates the cultural norm of mental health
According to Labeling Theory, someone embarks on a deviant career…
When a negative social label becomes part of their self-concept and personality