Intro To Sociology Flashcards
They are concerned with the overall structure of society and how behaviour of human beings is seen as the result of external social forces. The main purpose of sociology is too study the overall structure of society and not the individual.
Structuralism approach
Macro - society as a whole
Social action or interprevist theory
Concerned with the behaviour of individuals and society and social structures are seen as the creation of individuals. There is an emphasis on free will
Social action or interprevist theory approach
Micro - emphasis on individual/small group
Consensus perspectives
Argue society is characterised by harmony and agreement, society is in agreement over society’s norms and values and suggest the role of institutions is to socialise individuals into a value consensus to enable society to function correctly.
Conflict perspectives
Argue society is better seen as being made up of competing groups, one dominant group and one subject group
Modernist perspectives
Social research can reveal truth about which types of societies are best and work to construct a better society through social policy and radical means
Post modernist perspectives
Postmodernists reject the idea of truth and the idea social progress is possible
Func overview
Compare society to a human body and all the different parts are like organs and essential to overall health.
They all have their own role and function and if these parts of society fail there would be a negative consequence on all of us and therefore people should do as they’re told for the good of society
Marx overview
Society is divided into two classes:
Bourgeoisie (ruling class)
Proletariat (workers)
They are in conflict as the ruling class only stay in power by exploiting the workers
Fem overview
Believe society is divided into sex
Men have power (patriarchy)
Feminists want me and women to have equal rights
Internationalist overview
Believe you need to understand the meanings individuals give to their own actions in order to understand why they do what they do
Postmodernist overview
Now we live in an unstable, fragmented, media saturated society because it changes so rapidly and this society has no truth in single theory or science
New right overview
Conservative political perspectives influenced by both labour and conservative policies
They believe the state cannot meet people’s needs and people are best left to meeting their needs in a free market
Durkheim - functionalist ideas
- writing in the middle of modernity and experiencing the industrialisation and urbanisation of France.
- believed that the social changes ushered in by modernity threatened social order and his sociology is a response to this
- wants to ensure modern societies were harmonious and orderly