Intro To Safeguarding Flashcards
What is the legislation and guidance around safeguarding put simply?
Safeguarding is everyone’s business Child first Communicate Cooperate Think family Recognise importance language/ faith/ culture Need of services & protection
Definition of abuse and neglect
Forms maltreatment of child Inflicting or failing to prevent harm Abused in family/ institutional/ community setting By ppl Known to them/ others By adult(s)/ children/ child
Explain the assessment framework triangle
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Child centre
One side: child’s development needs - family/ social relationships, identify, self care and independence, learning, behavioural development, emotional and social development, health
One side: parenting/ career capacity- emotional warmth and stability, basic care/ ensuring safety and protection, guidance and boundaries
One side: family and environmental factors - social and community elements, housing, employment, financial, wider family, family history and well being
When would immediate referral into social care be required?
- immediate risk of significant harm
- unexplained injuries (inconsistent explanation)
- under 2 unexplained bruising
- victims of trafficking
- repeated domestic violence witnesses/ experienced, adult mental health issues, substance use issues
- sexual abuse/ exploitation or risk
- under 1 parents significant substance use
- significant harm unborn baby
- live/ contact adults known pose risk
- left home alone at risk
- allege abuse
- adults who pose risk
- primary age self harming
What is the toxic trio?
Repeated domestic violence witnessed/ experienced
Adult mental health issues
Substance use issues
4 categories of abuse
What is physical abuse?
Hitting/ shaking/ throwing/ poisoning/ burning/ scalding/ drowning/ suffocating/ otherwise
Fabricates symptoms or deliberately induces illness (fabricated or induced illness)
What is sexual abuse?
Forcing or enticing sexual activities (child may be aware)
Masturbation/ kissing/ rubbing/ touching
Looking at/ producing sexual images/ watching/ encouraging inappropriate behaviour/ grooming in preparation for abuse
What is child sexual exploitation?
Form os sexual abuse
Individual/ group takes advantage imbalance power to coerce/ manipulate/ deceive child under 18 sexual activity exchange something victim needs/ wants and financial advantage or increased status
May appear consensual - can occur through technology
What is neglect?
Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/ or psychological needs, likely results serious impairment of child’s health or development
May occur during pregnancy or from maternal substance abuse
- provide adequate food/ clothing/ shelter
- protect harm
- appropriate Medical care
What is emotional abuse?
Persistent emotional maltreatment of child -> severe and persistent adverse effects on child’s emotional development
- conveying they are worthless/ unloved/ inadequate
- not giving opportunities to express views, silencing/ making fun
How to handle a disclosure?
Listen rather ask
Don’t stop young person freely recalling
Remain clam
Don’t promise not to tell anyone or everything will be ok
Make a report ASAP record timing/ setting/ people/ content/ quoting
Record all subsequent events
Reassure child right thing to tell
What to do if concerned about welfare of patient
- Where appropriate seek explanation
- Record events accurately date and sign
- Inform and discuss line manager/ supervisor
- Agree action (record, refer agency, fill in MARF form, refer social care)
- Social care referral - information passed immediately phone
- 24hrs< follow up written record of referral info
- Provide further background info to social care when requested
Abuse definition
Physical/ sexual/ financial/ emotional/ psychological violation/ neglect of a person
Unable to protect themselves or prevent form happening or to remove themselves or potential abuse from others
(Can happen to adults)
What is the child death review process?
Child dies
Immediate decision making and notifications
Investigation and info gathering
Child death review meeting
Independent review by CdR partners at child death overview panel or equivalent
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