Intro to Routine Health Maintenance Flashcards
Levels of Evidence (USPTF)
A- highly recommend- high net effective
B- somewhat recommend
C- recommend against routinely giving this treatment or recommend only giving infrequently; evidence of low effectiveness
D- recommend against; harmful
I- insufficient evidence to recommend either way
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of alcohol screening?
18+ age- B
under 18- I
What is binge drinking in men?
14 drinks a week or 4 in one setting
What is binge drinking in women?
7 drinks in a week or 3 in one setting
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of tobacco screening?
A for pregnant and non-smoking people and we should advice to stop (smoking decreases fetal birth rate)
5 A’s of smoking
Ask about tobacco use Advice quitting Assess willingness to quit Assist in quit attempt Arrange follow-up
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of blood pressure screening?
18+ y/o- A
treatment should be initiated if over 150/90 in 60+ y/o people and 140/90 in those younger
recommend getting a reading every 2 years
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of intimate partner violence screening?
B for women of childbearing age
I for elderly or vulnerable adults
“Are you in a relationship where you have been hit or threatened”
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of syphillis screening in men?
A- people with increased risk and pregnant women
D- asymptomatic people
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of clymdia and gnorrhea screening in men who are asymptomatic?
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of clymdia gnorrhea, syphillis, and HIV screening in women who are high-risk?
chalymdia- A
gnorrhea- B
all adults under 65 should be screened for HIV
What is the Level of Evidence (LOE) of folic acid supplement in pregnant women?
A (prevents neural tube defects)
Human papilloma virus (HPV) recommendations
there is a vaccination that can be given up to 26 y/o (after 26 they aren’t as effective). recommended to men and women.
vaccinations- Gardasil and Cervarix
Cervical cancer screening recommendations
a) pap tests should begin at 21 y/o
b) low risk women should get a test every 3 yrs
c) screening should be discontinued at age 65+ or after total hysterectomy
d) can combine HPV at age 30 which extends screening interval every 5 yrs
LOE for Pap smears
women 12-65 (pap smear) or 30-65 (in combo with HPV)- A
women younger than 30 (HPV)-D
women younger than 21 or older than 65 or had a hysterectomy- D