Intro to Pulmonology Flashcards
Dependent lobe of the lung
Right lower lobe
Right bronchus (vs. left)
- more vertical
- larger
- more posterior
Physical exam - inspection
- pursed lip breathing
- accessory muscle use
- clubbing
- cyanosis
- edema
- chest wall
- –> barrel chest
- –> kyphosis
- –> pectus excavatum
- –> pectus carinatum
Physical exam - palpation
- Expansion of the hemithoraces –> inspect and palpate
- Tracheal shifts
- loss of volume (atelectasis) –> shifts TOWARDS loss
- increase in volume (effusion, pneumothorax) –> shits AWAY from increase - Crepitus
- Tactile fremitus = vibration that is palpated on the chest wall when a patient is speaking (“99”)
- increased = consolidation –> increased sound transmission from large airways to periphery
- decreased = caused by processes that move the lung away from the chest wall –> pleural fluid (effusion) or air (pneumothorax)
Physical exam - percussion
- Normal/resonant = normal lung
- Hyperresonance/tympanitic = increased air –> pneumothorax or hyperinflation (COPD, emphysema)
- Dull = consolidation, atelectasis
- Flat = effusion
Physical exam - ausculation –> breath sounds
- Normal/vesicular –> hear inspiration clearly, but only a short portion of expiration
- Bronchial of tubular –> expiration is as prominent and sometimes more prominent than inspiration
- normal over the trachea. abnormal over the lung
- consolidation - Decreased breath sounds –> atelectasis, effusion, pneumothorax
- Stridor –> mostly inspiratory coarse wheeze heard over the neck and due to upper airway narrowing
Physical exam - auscultation –> adventitial sounds
- Crackles/rales –> probably from opening of small airways that had been closed
- generally heard at end inspiration
- seen with diffuse lung disease (fibrosis) + pulmonary edema - Wheezing –> high pitched, generally heard on expiration
- seen in asthma + COPD - Ronchi –> lower pitched wheezing
Physical exam - auscultation –> voice generated sounds
- Egophany = patient says “e” and it sounds like “a” –> consolidation
- Whispered pectoriloquy = a patient’s whispering of “1,2,3” is exaggerated –> consolidation
Physical exam - auscultation –> pleural friction rub
Creaking sound generated by the inflamed visceral and parietal pleural surfaces rubbing together
Physical exam findings - Asthma/COPD
- Inspection
- pursed lip breathing
- barrel chest - Palpation
- decreased fremitus bilaterally - Percussion
- hyperresonance bilaterally - Auscultation
- wheezing or rhonchi bilaterally
Physical exam findings - Pneumothorax
- Inspection
- hyperinflation of ipsilateral hemithorax - Palpation
- decreased movement with inspiration of ipsilateral hemithorax
- ipsilateral decreased fremitus
- contralateral tracheal shift
- subcutaneous crepitus - Percussion
- hyperresonance of ipsilateral hemithorax - Auscultation
- decreased breath sounds over ipsilateral hemithorax
Physical exam findings - Pleural effusion
- Inspection
- Palpation
- decreased movement with inspiration of ipsilateral hemithorax
- ipsilateral decreased or absent fremitus
- contralateral tracheal shift - Percussion
- dull of flat over ipsilateral hemithorax - Auscultation
- decreased breath sounds over the ipsilateral hemithorax
- occasionally pleural rub
Physical exam findings - Consolidation
- Inspection
- Palpation
- increased fremitus over consolidated areas - Percussion
- dull over consolidated areas - Auscultation
- over consolidated areas
- –> bronchial breath sounds
- –> egophagny
- –> whispered pectoriloquy
Physical exam findings - Bronchial obstruction with atelectasis
- Inspection
- Palpation
- decreased movement with inspiration of ipsilateral hemithorax
- ipsilateral tracheal shift
- ipsilateral decreased fremitus - Percussion
- dull over ipsilateral hemithorax - Auscultation
- decreased breath sounds over ipsilateral hemithorax
Physical exam findings - Fibrosis
- Inspection –> clubbing
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Auscultation –> crackles, usually bilaterally
Lung pathology - methods for obtaining pathologic speciments
- Cough –> sputum for gram stain
- Percutaneous needle aspirate –> stain cells of small pieces of lung tissue
- Bronchoscopy
- –> bronchioalveolar lavage = stain cells in fluid
- –> transbronchial needle aspirate = stain cells
- –> small pieces of lung tissue - Surgical lung biopsy –> larger pieces of lung tissue
- **Important distinction
- –> cytology = loose cells, usually from sputum, fluid or needle aspirate
- –> histopathology = pieces of tissue from biopsy, can look at architecture