Intro To Psych In Historical Context Flashcards
All ideas come from 5 senses and we are not born with ideas
Who found emiricism?
John locke and Thomas reid
Why empiricism is important
Statement in psychology (thoughts, feelings, actions)
Claim about epistemology (what knowledge is and how to require it)
What is empiricism in rhe context of epistemology
We weed go itno the world and understand it
Study if organ systems and what they do
Hermann von helmholtz
First to measure speed of newrve impulse and did a lot with sensory physiology
Study of relationship between physicsl properties of a stimulus snd psychologicsl effects it evokes
Wilhelm Wundt
Was the firet psychologist and ran the first research lab. He tried to institutionalize psychology
Philosophy of mind
G stanley hall
Did the study of adolescents and popularized the term.
James mckeen cattell
Did the study if individual experiences and tried to measure intelligence. He thought that intelligence was genetic
Undertandinf behaviours of humans and other animals
John watson
Coined the term behavourism. Thought that psycologists should stop studying consciousness since it cant be observed like behaviours
Frederic bartlett
He was interested in memory and looked at obervsnle behaviour
Who made rhe first intelligence test?
Alfred binet
Six perspectives
Psychodynamic, physiological, behavioural, cognitive, social cultural, evolutionary
Unconscious process and unresolved past conflicts as influences on behaviour
Physiological perspective
Idea of our mind is peoduct of out activities
Behavioural perspective
Focus on learning and what triggers certain behaviour
Neural impulse
Electro chemical signal that enables neurons to communicate
Method of focusing on internal processes
Awareness of ourselves and our environment
School of americal psychology that sought to describe the elements of conscious experience
Individual differences
Ways in which people differ in terms of their behaviour, emotions, cognition, and development
Practice of selective breeding to promote desired traits
Gestalt psychology
Attempt to study unity of experience
Cognitive psychology
Study of mentsl processes
Flashbulb memory
Highly detailed and vivid memory of an emotionally significant event
Tip of the tongue phenomenon
Inability to pull a word from memory even though there is the sensation that the word is available
Scientist practitioner model
Model of training of professional psychologists thst emphasizes the development iv both research and clinical skills
Scholar practitioner model
Model of training of professional psychologists thst emphasizes clinical practice